Jun 28, 2007 13:30
I hope everyone is okay on this Defense Against the Dark Arts trip, it's starting to sound really dangerous. ;; I heard about orges and Dark Riders chasing people already, I'm starting to wish I could be there to help. And L is carrying a really dangerous ring (are rings dangerous?), I hope you're okay L! I'm so sorry I can't help you. Or anyone else!;;I was hoping I would get to see Vaan before he went on the trip but he's gone now. Come back alive!
Work has been going really well, but nothing new has happened yet... Except more snakes have appeared. And Winry is the model for Ayame's clothes now, she's so pretty! Ayame is so good and fitting the clothes and finding beautiful colors to match Winry's skin tone and hair color.
Today, though, I think I .. lost? Or someone took? my homework. I'm only thinking someone took it because I can't find my ID either. That was in my wallet, I've never taken it out before! o o; I've never lost something before, so this must be a first time.