Here in School Again.

Apr 05, 2004 12:33

            Pretty cool weekend....I suppose, a bit of a shock in a couple of different ways:

Well, friday was the show and me and gabe committed our usual dirty deeds that we do before the show, cos it's just what we do now, and it's fun. Well, the show was at manchester and it was pretty cool, cos i liked to be on the stage in front of everyone and hearing the sounds, and the lights in my face. Anyways, on saturday we were suppose to go to the studio, but we didn't cos the recording guy had a birthday party to go to for his wife. It was cool, i got to stay home and relax which is what i haven't done in a really long time now. That night we had a show at skater's world, and it was pretty cool. I cut my  thumb open pretty badly and it bled all over my guitar, it really fuckin sucked, i felt like bitin my thumb off. Anways, on to the most "exciting" day of the week. Sunday was ok except for the huge changes in my life. I was sitting at the kitchen table restringin my guitar, and i look up and pay attention for two seconds to hear my mom ask Sara if she wants to move in. Sara of course said yes, and to tell you the truth i don't think i've really accepted the fact that she is here to stay yet, it's so fuckin weird.... Oh well. All the love in the mountains...-luis
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