Feb 04, 2004 22:12
I got that piece for my guitar(thank you very much inferno;)) and it is fuckin great. I hit the distortion at practice today and it felt like an orgasm. I screamed into the microphone out of sheer happiness, and we had to restart the song. I love having it back, because it adds so much more power to the songs than ever before. Well for an explanation of what was wrong, it's basically that the part that you plug the cable into on the guitar, was totally wrecked, thus making the jack all retardo. When the jack is retardo, the sound is retardo, and I felt retardo. But anyways, today seemed to fly, regardless of how much fun i wasn't having. So here is the scoop..... I've felt like i've tried to stray my attention away from school, because school is where my problems lie. I've felt like all my friends are sorta shruggin me off recently, and the other problem is, RACHEL. The dreaded R word. I want to be angry at her for the sorta shit that happened, but i can't, cos she's just one of those people that you can't be angry, and it really sux. People complain that i shouldn't be so caught up about it ::Cough:: Kenny::cough:: but it's rachel. If you know rachel, she's just one of those people that you get caught up on. She's got that awesome personality, the most amazing smile, she's beautiful(like a retarted puppy), and she's so much fun to be around. Something's can be so gosh darn hard.
Anyways, so mr.lilore told the class today that we're gonna try to cover one of the harry potter songs, which is completely fuckin awesome!! I can't wait to hear what's he's got in store for us, but anyways, he also suggested that we suggest songs to him. Alright everyone, i need your help for this shabang. I think we should cover the BitterSweet Symphony by the Verve. If you've never heard it before, download that song. And it's not the verve pipe, so don't get the two bands confused. It's mostly orchestrated except for one the guy sings, but the Keyboard can take up that position(yay, whitman). But anyways, my mind has been mainly focused on the band recently, and tom. night is the feeling left out show, which should be pretty good, and i really look forward to it. I hope that everything goes smoothly tom. night, because after the FLO show I'm gonna sleep at ken's house, but guess who else might be sleeping there....... yes, the R word. JESUS CHRIST.
I'm working on a whole new bunch of songs for the album we're recording in march, and the show we're doing right before it, and today me and ken sat down and talked about the cd and shit. We're in the process of figuring out the songs. We have a total of eight, and we have to name them, and figure out a name for the album. I'm open to suggestions, but here's the rules:
1. It has to revolve around a playground theme
2.It can't be emo.
3. Or if you know our lyrics, just think what would work, incorporating a line from one of our songs.
And no more mean comments about the whole polonius thing, ladyinverness, that sorta angered ken, although inside i was laughing ;). I got my book in the mail today, Woot! and i started reading it, yay! I think I'm gonna go read somemore, adios mis amigos.