I want to be god for one day.....

Apr 28, 2004 22:10

You ever get that feeling like you've had that recurring day? Sorta like in that ridiculously stupid movie, GroundHog's day? I mean this vacation has been cool and everything, but everyday I've woken up at the same time, and done practically the same thing i had done the day before. Hopefully IF i go to new york tom. I might be able to change the daily routine and hang out with some X's....Whooppee... I really hope i get to hang out with my X girlfriend Deirdra, cos she is definitely a relief from the world of normal, and she is a bucket of compliments. Well, since the last time I wrote, the only interesting things that have happened are Sasha's Party, Becoming Friends with Mike, Getting my Braces off, Taking the STUPID STUPID STUPID Admissions test at PCCC, and nothing really else that interesting.
Well, Sasha's Party, that was definitely fun. I had one of the best nights that I've had in a while, and I don't think i regret a bit of it. I got to hang out with some people that i had never even spoken to in school. I hung out with Steve Myers, and Don Ryan. Those guys are pretty awesome. O yeah, and Whitman, whitman got hit in the head with a brick of a caramel.
I got my braces off !!Parade for me!!!!

-no more, I want sleep...
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