Here we go again...

Jul 19, 2005 22:07

Here's another Survery whatever thing. Got it from Heather.

1. smoked a cigarette - a fake mentholy one my grandma has been sucking on to learn to quit, in 6th grade, and it felt like something was caught in my throat for a week. My cousin never laughed so hard.

2. smoked a cigar - nope.

3. made out with a member of the same sex - no i wish... ;)

4. crashed a friend's car - no.

5. stolen a car - no!! of course not.

6. been in love - Don't know.

7. been dumped - no.

8. shoplifted - once i stole a magazine in 2nd grade, and i was sitting in the cart, and i noticed and said i should take it back in and my mom said, "No forget it, i just want to get home."

9. been fired - no.

10. been in a fist fight - Yep, a few times. I won of course.

11. snuck out of ur house - nope.

12. had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - Yes, Heath Ledger. But i bet you he'd change his mind if i met him...

13. been arrested - no.

14. made out with a stranger- haha no.

15. gone on a blind date - no.

16. lied to a friend - yes, sometimes everyone has to.

17. had a crush on a teacher - Well, Mr. Lemon is pretty hot...

18. skipped school - yes, with permission.

19. slept with a co-worker - no...

20. seen someone die - A kitten in my hands.

21. been on a plane - of course.

22. thrown up in a bar - no...

23. taken painkillers - if i was in pain...

24. love someone or miss someone right now - Yes, of course. I miss my oklahoma friends.

25. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - Mmhmm. In elementary school with Nikki and Briana. Sometimes with little sisters.

26. made a snow angel - yep. It was teeeeny.

27. played dress up - haha yes...not too long ago with sister Jasmine. Who's 6.

28. cheated while playing a game - No! Actually, i could never do that...It's a HUGE pet peeve of mine.

29. been lonely - nope.

30. fallen asleep at work/school - no.

31. used a fake id - don't need one... ;)

32. felt an earthquake - Oh yea.

33. touched a snake - Sadly yes, a few times, never will i do it again.

34. ran a red light - Yes. And my mom screams like a maniac, sounding like we're going of the side of a cliff, making me laugh hysterically.

35. been suspended from school - No...Me? Katrina? No way, that would cramp my style.

36. had detention - hahahaha in oklahoma i had it 6 times! for 2 and a half hour after school for 6 weeks on thursadys. Then once on saturday morning for 3 hours!

37. been in a car accident - Yes, i got bruised ribs, along with the dog.

38. hated the way you look- Sometimes. Othertimes i completely ignore it and think, 'Who the hell am i trying to look good for?' Then i throw on my Camp Wheez shirt and everyone's like, "OMG! Where did you get that???"

39. witnessed a crime - Once i saw a homeless man run into the grocery store, and steal a bottle of wine. An employee chased him down, and the bottle splashed everywhere, and the homeless guy was like, "Doode! I'm sorry! You're hurting me!" Quite upsetting...

40. pole danced - couldn't even get one of my stubby legs around a pole anyhow.

41. been lost - Yes, a lot...sadly.

42. been to the opposite side of the country- mmhmm! To visit Grandmammy and Grandpappy.

43. felt like dying - Never. I think that would be acting selfish.

44. cried yourself to sleep - Yeah. A lot of times.

45. played cops and robbers - Yes! OMG! Best game ever!

46. Sang Karaoke?- Yes! And i rocked that shiz.

47. done something you told yourself you wouldn't- hasn't everyone?

48. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - Sprite...Ow...

49. caught a snowflake on your tongue - Yes! Mmmm...Delicioso!

50. kissed in the rain - no.

51. sing in the shower - yes, sometimes.

52. made love in a park - No! But i've seen it!

53. had a dream that you married someone - nope.

54. glued your hand to something - My other hand.

55. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - No, to a HUGE icecube though. God! That really hurt. I cried really hard i think i was 4.

56. worn the opposite sex's clothes - Um yeah.

57. been a cheerleader - Actually Yes. I have a trophy.

58. sat on a roof top - yes! Loved it.

59. didn't take a shower for a week - Once when i went to my dad's. I hair was so knotted i had to cut it. I must've been 8.

60. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - I'm to scared to watch scary movies, period.

61. played chicken - Ah, Yes...

62. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - Actually no...That would really suck though.

63. been told you're hot by a complete stranger - Yes. hahaa.

64. broken a bone - Yeah, twice. Surgically though.

65. been easily amused - Oh man, Yes...

66. laugh so hard you cried - Too many times.

67. mooned/flashed someone - My mom.

68. cheated on a test - Oh wow...once! I know, i'm so was a test in Mr. Desoto's science, and i wrote a note on my hand.

69. forgotten someone's name - Yes, i meet to many new people. I love them all though of course!

70. slept naked - Yeah, it was uncomfortable.

71. gone skinny dipping in a pool - Yes! It's the best way to go swimming, its so much

72. been kicked out of your house - no!

73. blacked out from drinking - ew no.

74. played a prank on someone - haha yes! I pretended i was choking ON APRIL FOOL'S. And my mom comppletely freaked out. She was sitting on the toilet at the time.

75. played poker- Yeah...i lost almost my whole pot o' change!!

Well, hope you guys liked it, and i hope you copy it and put it in your journals so i can laugh.
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