I figured out the Da Vinci code and it says "Yalls Retarded"

May 20, 2006 12:31

Good Grief,

I am so sick of hearing this ongoing "controversy" over the movie The Da Vinci Code. Never in my life did i ever think i would hear some of the idiocracy I have been hearing recently about this fictional piece of work.

The Da Vinci code which is a best selling thriller by Dan Brown, is set for release tonight at the big screen and for weeks I have heard so many Christians flipping out about its falsity and misleading plot which discredits the Christian belief that Jesus Christ was a man without a wife or heir.

I dont really understand why there is a big to-do about this movie from Christians. They say that this movie would most likely sway some to question their faith.

To me, this is somewhat funny and sad all at the same time.

For one, I know that this is a movie and that many things in movies are made up and probably not true. These nutjobs who are calling for a boycott of the movie must never have seen a movie except for the Passion of the Christ and think that all movies are completely factual. Some have even demanded that this movie directed by Ron Howard have some sort of disclaimer to alert its viewers that "This movie is not completely factual and some instances of this movie are made up for the enjoyment of the normal people sitting around you". I really dont get why they need this. I mean I didnt need for the producers of Independence Day to let me know that the White House was in fact not blown up by Aliens and the actor Will Smith is not saving the earth as we speak. I sort of assumed that this was a fun made up movie.

And what about questioning of faith? Arent people allowed to do that? These clowns are worried that people may take this movie and take it as completely truthful and will start to think in a different way about Jesus. Well let me pose this question to you my friends: Isnt that exactly what the Bible, the Koran, the Mormons, the etc. have done? Millions of people worldwide read into the Bible and believe it word for word. Several thousands devote their entire lives and fortunes to serving God. There is no real proof that God exists. Dont take me for a skeptical person but many scientific studies and whatnot point to alternative explanations of why we are here and how things work. Yet spiritual people take what the Bible says on faith.

I mean look, I have my own set of beliefs about life, God and the rest. I do not expect others to believe what i believe and, unlike the Islamo-Fascists, I will not deal with the unbelievers while on earth. I know God will deal with them and the Athiests accordingly once they naturally expire.

I plan to go see the Da Vinci Code because I think it will be a pretty good movie. I am not one of these people whose lives are changed by seeing a movie (flash to Passion of the Christ). I do not think that I will have my ticket punched for the fires of hell if I go see this movie (well atleast not for this reason).
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