mayfield app

Feb 10, 2025 20:06

Name: Macey
Personal LJ: macey
Contact Info: AIM and MSN is
Other Characters Played: N/A
Preferred Housing: With our Zeetha (also reserved and apping), if the arrangements are possible? I've got permission.

Character Name: Airman Third Class Axel Higgs
Character Series: Girl Genius
Character Age: Never specifically stated, presumably ~25-30; (The Cast Page states he's worked on the Wulfenbach Airships for 10 years, and Zola, who seems about ~24, tauntingly refers to him as a "nice looking young man") recent evidence however suggests much older mentally, possibly by hundreds of years.
Background: Girl Genius basically consists of a steampunk-fantasy (the creators refer to it as a "gaslamp fantasy") story where Europa, aka Europe, is under the rule of the Baron Klaus Wulfenbach and is filled with people called Sparks, mad scientists named such due to their usually explosive mental condition, as well as various machines called Clanks and animal/human-machine/something or other hybrids known as Constructs. Higgs is right here.

As said at the source Higgs' full backstory is almost completely unknown; what we do know makes him surprisingly interesting for a character who originally appeared to exist solely for the reason of keeping Baron Wulfenbach alive. He "remembers maps" of Castle Heterodyne, which is an uncontrolled death trap; remembers stories of Heterodynes (the series' resident extremely Sparky family) from hundreds of years ago; was found in a bar full of Jaegers (aka humans turned Super Soldiers); appears to take injuries lightly and heals up from major ones within minutes; and was recognized by Castle Heterodyne itself, though he broke its then-current vessel in half before it could give us any hint on his true identity, of sorts. As time goes on it becomes more and more probable that "Axel Higgs" is a fake name or at least identity and Higgs is in fact much older (and much more clever) than he looks.

Personality: Despite how well-given it is when it comes to his abilities, a title of "The Unflappable Higgs" would be as good as the "Unstoppable" one. Though of course he has shown emotion a good number of times, it's usually for only a short amount of time and minor- in fact a good lot of his early appearances were simply standing in the background while the action occurred with an indifferent expression on his face. Among sparks, murderous robots and the Heterodyne girl herself Higgs is above all completely composed. There aren't too many things that make him tick, the sole exception so far appearing to be Zeetha, Girl Genius' resident Amazon- he's shown to be surprisingly afraid of her when they first meet (and this is a person who is not afraid of much) but rather affectionate later on (and then flabbergasted when Tarvek brought it up). His only show of anger in fact came after she was stabbed by Zola, leading him to chase her around the Castle at first in rage and later in simple determination.

On that note, Higgs is extremely determined. Just his introduction would make him simply the embodiment of the Determinator, and the more things he does the more this becomes obvious- he seems to have a sort of single-minded sense of duty and perseverance and due to his seemingly Unstoppable tendencies appears to complete whatever goal or mission he has with relative ease. Even a stab wound through his chest did not stop him from continuing to chase Zola after she injured Zeetha, and was only taken down when she punched directly through said wound.

Though usually quiet Higgs is not above an occasional snarky comment or wordy assumption. Very early on he says he found Zeetha's group of "smart guys" by noticing they were the only ones not fighting in a Jaeger bar, and later comments would imply referring to the resident Sparks as such has become a slight running gag between them. Despite that he is still rather soft-spoken, appearing to speak only when spoken to (with only a few exceptions, one being his proper introduction at Mamma Gkika's) and when it's needed.

He also appears to be rather clever as well- he ditches Gil's magnificent hat knowing that it will load him down, despite the fact that it was the first thing given to him when he was appointed (for lack of a better term) to Gil's side, and in the story of his introduction took seconds to realize he wasn't getting help and what to do to get the Baron out of the ship safely. He's also smart enough to take the time to comment on the damages on a robot who at the time was trying to kill him, and didn't seem to be worried about whether or not it was going to kill him anyway.

Though initially reluctant to join Gilgamesh in Castle Heterodyne, he does recognize that as a Wulfenbach Airman protecting Gil is pretty much his new job and even after a large explosion the first thing he thinks is to check up on him. Later on he tells Agatha that his job is to "help (Master Wulfenbach) help you". He does seem to have a sense loyalty and of doing the right thing, saving DuPree's life in his oft-mentioned introduction though she damaged two of his limbs.

He appears to be rather polite, referring to his superiors with either "Sir" or "M'Lady", sometimes twice or more in the same sentence, and despite their relative closeness he never refers to Zeetha as anything other than "Miss Zeetha". He also appears to have a slight accent or at least mince words; "'d" for "it'd", "y'r" for "your/you're", clipping off the ends of gerunds, etc.

Abilities: The title "The Unstoppable Higgs" given by the Cast Page is still incredibly appropriate. As implied in his introduction- where Higgs takes damage to all his limbs yet still completes his mission- Higgs is amazingly resilient to an inhuman level. After Zeetha is stabbed by Zola in the Seraglio, Higgs punches her with something akin to super speed- and Zola herself was on something akin to steroids at the time. He then takes a stab to the chest from her and still has the strength to grab her by the ankle, and then get up and chase her across the Castle to the library. Around 20 minutes later he takes a punch straight through said wound and again lives, the wound having completely healed up mere minutes later after he returns to consciousness. This would of course explain how he was able to save the Baron- his wounds healed up quickly enough. He appears to be incredibly strong as well, first implied by the fact he drug the Baron and Bang to Mecanicsburg(?) with injured arms without much difficulty, and later when he smashes Otilia/Castle Heterodyne (not literally) in half with a wrench.

In terms of more human (and presumably not taken away?) ability, Higgs' additional title of Machinist Mate is well-earned, as he implied to have considerable ability, managing to rig an autopilot on an airship by himself and later taking time to comment on Otilia/The Castle's damages in machine lingo despite the fact that it was at that point out for his blood.

Sample Entry:  Here'sdear_mun - if you need anything more I'll be happy to oblige.


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