005. (backdated a couple hours or so)

Mar 26, 2011 19:00

[ PHONE - filtered to the same people as last time, plus hiccup. ]

I'm assumin' some of you'r fightin' that clank, [ -he's thinking Garviel and Nena, really- ] but the rest o' us should probably get out o' here. Heard the diner on the highway's alright, if you lot need a place to go.

[ ACTION - mayfield streets, leading to the highway ]
[ After that call, there's going to be a guy in a very nice hat running down the street with a wrench. Higgs can't really drive the car well yet, so he's just going to speed to the diner as quick as he can.

If you were planning on going to the diner with him in the call, he'll meet you wherever you are. Anyone else will have to either get in his way or say something to him. ]

friendly friends who do friendly things!, he got his hat back, c: aradia, c: nena, c: rin, event: exit

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