There are no problems - only solutions

Jan 15, 2006 18:48

This is partly in response to Bill’s previous entry, but mostly just shit that’s been bouncing around my head for the past few weeks. It’s not going to be a “this world is going to shit, woe is me” post, don’t worry. Just keep reading, and please, if you have any insights or thoughts on anything I’ve said in this entry, comment or contact me personally because all these issues I feel are extremely important and often overlooked. That being said…

The amount of lunacy that occurs on this planet is astounding, and everywhere you turn there are more problems than solutions, or there are solutions but the reason they can't be performed is something even more twisted and evil. And by lunacy, I’m speaking specifically of humans and their actions (or lack thereof) because nature itself, though odd and inexplicable, makes perfect sense.

Shouldn't we be happier as a society? I mean, look at where technology has taken us. We have every convenience we could ever imagine. We are completely taken care of, knowledge of everything we ever wanted to know is at our fingertips, and yet instead of actively participating in a world that has so much to offer, people choose to disengage themselves for hours, days, even entire lifetimes. Pacify themselves in front of the TV, drink tons of alcohol and deaden their minds in other non-active forms of "entertainment." People (or maybe just western culture in general) are fat, unhappy, and stupid. But wouldn’t you think in a world this complex and diverse, we’d find the tools to pull ourselves out of this funk? The potential is there… where have we gone wrong?

I’m the first to admit that the flaws in society are complex and multi-faceted. It’s impossible to blame one particular thing. Maybe one reason is the isolation that’s caused through our growing indifference for anything but ourselves and our material possessions. Money is the objective and selfishness is the rule. With that sort of self-serving motive, how can anyone expect this world to amount to anything more than shallow interactions and banal emotions? Nothing good can amount from these sort of intentions, but even this is deeply rooted in an evolutionary need for comfort and security, about which an entire other entry could be devoted. In order not to lose your attention, I’ll move on to what I think might be our only hope.

Another problem I feel we \ overlook is the fact that we’ve become so coddled in this culture, our minds have become mere shells of what they could be. With all the passive entertainment we engage in (television, movies, even music) we rarely give ourselves the chance to think creatively. When is the last time you sat down and opened up your mind, let your thoughts take over, and really THOUGHT about something? It’s a fact that the more inactive you use your mind, the less it develops or maintains its sharpness. That thought should terrify you as you sit and watch the third re-run of Gilmore Girls in a row. We’ve become passive, unthinking drones. Ironically, this comes at a time where we have the most potential to explore our existential selves and the universe around us. Shame on us.

So how do I think we could change the course of history and make some actual progress for a change, instead of the superficial bullshit economists and businessmen feed us? I really do believe in improving yourself to create a positive change in society. I mean, it makes sense - if you're not a complete, positive person (or as close as you can get), how do you suspect to be part of the solution? You're just another poor, helpless slob

If there's anything my experimentations with hallucinogens have taught me, it's that the fabric of this earth is woven together so tightly and intricately, it's impossible to ignore or deny. Everything you do, think, feel, say has a compound effect that ripples outward and not only touches the world immediately around you, but rolls into infinity and back again, endlessly pulsing through time and space, no matter how small an action (or inaction) it may seem.

For example, think of the last time you laid on the beach with the sun caressing your body.

Or the rush of taste you get when you bite into a strawberry.

Or the scent of someone you love still lingering on your pillow.

All of these evoke undeniable physical reactions within your body and your mind, touching your very being and resonating within you. But it doesn’t stop there. Did you ever think that in the same respect, so many parts of your daily life have the opposite effect on your being? Eating fast food, being lethargic, impatience, taking out aggression on a loved one, kissing your boss' ass; all of these small, seemingly inconsequential events take quite the toll on your body, your mind, your spirit. It's a wonder not everyone is on anti-depressants, all the negative energy in this world is enough to drown anyone in a feeling of despair and hopelessness.

What I’m getting at here, is everything you come in contact with in your life has a profound influence on you, which in turn molds the way you treat the world. The more negativity you have in your life, the more negatively you’ll treat the world, and all of that will compound and create a vortex of despair, which inevitably leads to a retraction from life. It’s scary, really, and very few people know how to deal with the sort of shit that rains on us daily.

That being said, nihilism, I feel, is a cop-out. Though admittedly, I'm not well-versed in that philosophical position (or any philosophical position for that matter) I don't feel the answer to this downward spiral humanity has embarked upon is to join it. It just seems too easy to throw your hands in the air and give up. Human existence might be as meaningless and nonsensical as ... something very meaningless and nonsensical... but just because something doesn't have meaning, doesn't mean it doesn't have substance. There are incredible moments in human existence, and there are also really shitty, terrible ones. But life is about balance and moderation, and learning as much about yourself and what you need is something infinitely important and often overlooked.

It’s true, you can’t change people, or force them to admit their own weaknesses. Each and every one of us has our own demons to overcome, and life is a work in progress. The analogy of “There’s more to cleaning a pool than skimming leaves off the top” is very poignant. Making people realize that they have any work to do on themselves is the hardest part, and I’m still not sure how to do that, besides leading by example and treating everyone with love and respect that they deserve as fellow beings haphazardly roaming this planet.

In short; think. Discover yourself.
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