"Thankful" (FOB, AH/PS, PG)

Sep 21, 2007 17:10

Title: "Thankful"
Author: little_whittles
Fandom: Bandom, Fall Out Boy
Pairing: Andy Hurley/Patrick Stump
Rating: PG for implied sexual situations
Disclaimer: All lies, I mean no harm.
Summary: Andy and Patrick are thankful for a lot of things.
Comments: Okay, so, a while ago, I mused that FOB would be having Thanksgiving on the road this year. Close to my neck of the woods, but that's neither here nor there. I begged my f-list for Thanksgiving fic. They politely ignored me. Last night I was thinking about it again, and this little ficlet came to me while I was shaving my legs. So! Without further comments, because they'll be longer than the actual fic! Thank you to my lovely beta, o4fuxache. 281 words.

What are you thankful for?


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