the list of all
femslash_today tags and the fandoms they relate to.
[last updated: 18 may 2007]
tv, movies, books, comics
10 Things I Hate About You -
10 things24 -
2428 Days -
28 days300 -
300The 4400 -
4400The Adam's Family -
adams familyAlias -
aliasAlice in Wonderland -
alice in wonderlandAlien: Resurrection -
alien resurrectionAll About Eve -
all about eveAll My Children -
all my childrenAll Saints -
all saintsAndromeda -
andromedaAngel -
atsAnimorphs -
animorphsThe Anita Blake Series -
anita blakeAnne of Green Gables -
anne of green gablesArmy Wives -
army wivesArtimis Fowl -
artimis fowlAubreyad -
AubreyadBabylon 5 -
b5Babysitters Club -
babysitters clubBad Girls -
bad girlsBallet Shoes -
ballet shoesBarbie -
barbieBattlestar Galactica -
bsgBecker -
beckerBelgariad -
belgariadBend It Like Beckham -
bend it like beckhamBible -
bibleBig Love -
big loveBig Wolf on Campus -
big wolfThe Bill -
the billThe Birds -
the birdsBirds of Prey -
birds of preyBlade Runner -
Blade RunnerBlade: Trinity -
bladeBlake's 7 -
blakes 7Blonde Venus -
blonde venusBlue Crush -
blue crushThe Book of Fell -
book of fellBoston Legal -
boston legalBound -
boundBoxcar Children -
boxcar childrenBring It On -
bring it onBuffy the Vampire Slayer -
btvsBut I'm A Cheerleader -
but im a cheerleaderCable & Deadpool -
cable and deadpoolCarnivale -
carnivaleCharlie and the Chocolate Factory -
charlie chocolate factoryCharlie's Angels -
charlies angelsCharmed -
charmedCheers -
cheersChicago -
chicagoChina Beach -
china beachClueless -
cluelessCold Case -
cold caseColdfire Trilogy -
coldfireCommander in Chief -
commander in chiefCopycat -
copycatCoupling -
couplingCoyote Ugly -
coyote uglyCriminal Minds -
criminal mindsCrossing Jordan -
crossing jordanCSI: Miami -
csi miamiCSI: New York -
csi nyCSI: Law Vegas -
csi vegasDallas -
dallasDaredevil -
daredevilDaria -
dariaDark Angel -
dark angelDawson's Creek -
dawsons creekDCU -
dcuDead Like Me -
dead like meThe Dead Zone -
dead zoneDead Witch Walking -
dead witch walkingDeadwood -
deadwoodDEBS -
debsDegrassi -
degrassiThe Descent -
the descentDesperate Housewives -
desperate housewivesThe Devil Wears Prada -
devil wears pradaThe Diamond Age -
diamond ageDirt -
dirtDiscworld -
discworldDogma -
dogmaDown With Love -
down with loveDr. Who -
dr whoDracula -
draculaDragon Warrior -
dragon warriorDreamgirls -
dreamgirlsDrop Dead Donkey -
drop dead donkeyDrop Dead Gorgeous -
drop dead gorgeousdue South -
due southe.r. -
e.r.Earth 2 -
earth 2Election -
electionElektra -
elektraEmelan -
emelanEmma -
emmaEnder's Game -
enders gameEntrapment -
entrapmentEulogy -
eulogyEureka -
eurekaThe Facts of Life -
facts of lifeThe Faculty -
the facultyFarscape -
farscapeFastlane -
fastlaneFeeling Electric -
feeling electricFidelio -
fidelio The Fifth Element -
fifth elementFirefly -
fireflyFoxfire -
foxfireFour Weddings and a Funeral -
four weddingsThe Fourth Arm -
fourth armFreaks and Geeks -
freaks and geeksFriday Night Lights -
friday night lightsFried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe -
fried green tomatoesFriends -
friendsFull Metal Alchemist -
full metal alchemistGallagher Girl -
gallagher girlGeneral Hospital -
general hospitalGilmore Girls -
gilmore girlsGinger Snaps -
ginger snapsGirls Aloud -
girls aloudGood Omens -
good omensThe Goonies -
gooniesA Great and Terrible Beauty -
great and terribleGrey's Anatomy -
greys anatomyGrindhouse -
grindhouseHairspray -
hairsprayHappy Endings -
happy endingsHarry Potter -
hpHeathers -
heathersHeroes -
heroesHex -
hexHigh Art -
high artHigh School Musical -
high school musicalHighlander -
highlanderHolby City -
holby cityHospital Central -
hospital centralHotel Babylon -
hotel babylonHouse -
houseHow I Met Your Mother -
how i met your motherHuff -
huffThe Hunger -
hungerI Walked With a Zombie -
i walked with a zombie The Illiad -
the illiadImagine Me & You -
imagine me and youIndiana Jones -
indiana jonesInto the Woods -
into the woodsIron Jawed Angels -
iron jawed angelsIt's a Wonderful Life -
wonderful lifeJAG -
jagJane Bond -
jane bondJane Eyre -
jane eyreJem & the Holograms -
jemJoan of Arcadia -
joan of arcadiaJoey -
joeyJosie and the Pussycats -
josie and the pussycatsJustice -
justiceThe Justice League -
justice leagueKaren Sisco -
karen siscoKill Bill -
kill billKim Possible -
kim possibleKingdom Hearts -
kingdom heartsL. Frank Baum's Oz -
lfb ozL.A. Law -
la lawLas Vegas -
las vegasLaw & Order -
lo tosLaw & Order CI -
lo ciLaw & Order Conviction -
lo convictionLaw & Order SVU -
lo svuLaw & Order TBJ -
lo tbjThe L-Word -
l-wordLa Femme Nikita -
la femme nikitaL'engleverse -
lengleverseThe Little Mermaid -
little mermaidA Little Night Music -
a little night musicLost Boys -
lost boysLove Actually -
love actually Love & Rockets -
love rocketsLoving Annabelle -
loving annabelleLoveless -
lovelessLord of the Rings -
lotrLost -
lostLost and Delirious -
lost deliriousThe Lost World -
lost worldMalory Towers -
malory towersMansfield Park -
mansfeild parkMary Poppins -
mary poppinsThe Matrix -
the matrixMean Girls -
mean girlsMedical Investigation -
medical investigationMemoirs of a Geisha - memoirs of a geisha
Men Behaving Badly -
men behaving badlyA Midsummer Night's Dream -
shakespeareThe Mikado -
mikadoMildred Pierce -
mildred pierceMiss Congeniality - miss congeniality
Modesty Blaise -
modesty blaiseMona Lisa Smile -
mona lisa smileMr. and Mrs. Smith -
mr and mrs smithMulan -
mulanMulholland Drive -
mulholland driveMurder in Suburbia -
murder in suburbiaThe Mummy -
the mummyMy So-Called Life -
my socalled lifeMy Summer of love -
my summer of loveNarnia -
narniaNational Treasure -
national treasureNCIS -
ncisNeighbours -
neighboursNeil Gaiman -
gaimanNeuromancer -
neuromancerNeverwhere -
neverwhereNew Moon -
new moonThe Nightwatch -
nightwatchNikki & Nora -
nikki noraThe Nine -
the nineNorthanger Abbey -
northange abbeyNow and Then -
now and thenThe Nutcracker -
nutcrackerThe O.C. -
the o.c.Ocean's 12 -
oceans 12The Office -
the officeOnce Upon a Time in Mexico -
once upon mexicoOne Tree Hill -
one tree hillOne Piece -
one pieceOut of Practice -
out of practiceP.G. Wodehouse -
wodehousePainkiller Jane -
painkiller janeThe Parent Trap -
parent trapPeanuts -
peanutsPeculiar Passions -
peculiar passionsPeople Stories -
people storiesPenny and Aggie -
penny aggiePeter Pan -
peter panPirates of the Carribean -
potcPoltergeist the Legacy -
poltergeist tlPopular -
popularThe Practice -
practiceThe Pretender -
pretenderPride and Prejudice -
pride and prejudiceThe Prime of Miss Jean Brodie -
prime of miss jean brodieQueer As Folk US -
queer as folk usRadio Free Roscoe -
radio free roscoeRebecca -
rebeccaRENT -
rentResident Evil -
resident evilRise: Blood Hunter -
rise: blood hunterThe Rocky Horror Picture Show -
rocky horrorRomy & Michelle's High School Reunion -
romymichelleRunaways -
runawaysThat 70s Show -
70s showSabrina the Teenage Witch -
sabrina the teenage witchSamantha -
samanthaSaw -
sawSex and the City -
sex and the cityScrubs -
scrubsShe's the Man -
shes the manSherlock Holmes -
sherlock holmesShow Me Love -
show me loveShe Spies -
she spiesSilent Hill -
silent hillSin City -
sin citySisterhood of the Traveling Pants -
sisterhood traveling pantsSix Feet Under -
sixfeetunderSkins -
skinsSky Captain and the World of Tomorrow -
sky captainSlammerkin -
slammerkinSleeping Beauty -
sleeping beautySmallville -
smallvilleSnakes on a Plane -
snakes on a plane Snow White -
snow whiteThe Sound of Music -
sound of musicSouth of Nowhere -
south of nowhereSpace Above and Beyond -
space above and beyondSpooks/Mi-5 -
spooks mi-5Sports Night -
sports nightStage Door -
stage doorA Star Is Born -
star is bornStar Trek DS9 -
star trek ds9Star Trek Enterprise -
star trek enterpriseStar Trek The Next Generation -
star trek tngStar Trek Voyager -
star trek voyagerStar Wars -
star warsStargate SG-1 -
sg-1Stargate Atlantis -
sgaStick It -
stick itStrangers in Paradise -
strangers paradiseStrangers With Candy -
strangers with candyStudio Sixty on the Sunset Strip -
studio 60Sugar Rush -
sugar rushSupernatural -
supernaturalSweet Valley High -
sweet valley highSylvia Scarlett -
sylvia scarlettThe Tamuli -
tamuliThe Terminator -
terminatorThird Watch -
third watchThe Thomas Crown Affair -
thomas crown affairThe Tillerman Cycle -
tillermanTipping the Velvet -
tipping the velvetTo the Lighthouse -
to the lighthouseTorchwood -
torchwoodTortall -
tortallTwelfth Night -
twelfth nightTwilight -
twilightTwin Peaks -
twin peaksUgly Betty -
ugly bettyUnder the Tuscan Sun -
under the tuscan sunUpstairs Downstairs -
upstairs downstairsVampire: The Masquerade -
vampire masqueradeThe Vampire Diaries -
vampire diariesVeronica Mars -
veronica marsV.I.P. -
vipWaking the Dead -
waking the deadWedding -
weddingWeeds -
weedsThe West Wing -
west wingWhat's Cooking -
whats cookingWicked -
wickedWill & Grace -
will graceWintel's Wonders -
wintel's wondersWitches of Eileanan -
witches of eileananWithout a Trace -
without traceWonderfalls -
wonderfallsThis is Wonderland -
wonderlandWuthering Heights -
wuthering heightsThe X-Files -
x-filesThe X-Men -
x-menXena -
xena rpfs
rpfsWicked RPFS -
rpfs wickedSports RPFS -
rpfs sportsDesperate Housewives RPFS -
rpfs desperate housewivesBattlestar Galactica RPFS -
rpfs bsgRENT RPFS -
rpfs rentGrey's Anatomy RPFS -
rpfs grey'sMisc. RPFS -
rpfs miscAmerica's Next Top Model RPFS -
rpfs antmDegrassi RPFS -
rpfs degrassiSaturday Night Live RPFS -
rpfs snl anime & manga
Wire in the Blood -
wire in the bloodx/1999 -
x/1999 etc.
meta -
metarecs -
recs internal f_t tags
{admin} -
admin{challenges} -
challenges{ficathons} -
ficathons note to tag moderators: if you have to create a tag for a fandom that is not yet on the list, comment here with the fandom, tag name and tag link (in the format used above) so it can be added to the list.