As I sit at my computer half-tired, half-jittery awake, I was finding ways to waste time- looking for clothes to buy with my next paycheck, checking my bank account for sufficient funds, chatting with CC on fb and then I came across this. I tried to log in the other week for some reason, but I forgot my password. Obviously, I've found out what it is since then. There's really no sense in catching up and writing about what has happened over the past 2.5 years since my last entry so I think I will just write about what is going on now.
I am intent on joining the Navy this summer (or whenever is most convenient). It's a little anxiety-inducing but I am ready for a change in life because I feel as if I have plateaued. Also I read in a Men's Health recently that the moment things are starting to get comfortable is when it's time for change as that will promote growth and experience. At 23 years old I am no wiser than my hormonal, whiny counterpart of 5 years ago. Nevertheless, I do feel some growth has occurred since then. Recently I have been trying to truly and genuinely adopt a "carpe diem" sense of attitude and present it every day. I have found that means... being nice to people?!?! But really though, if I were to fall dead tomorrow, I would rather be remembered as a warm-hearted fool attempting at kindness as opposed to a cold introvert. Let's just say I'm adjusting to the whole "being kind" thing. For instance, I went out to drink with Nick Ragazzo and Lucas. At a bar, I saw Andrew Losee, a person I had excommunicated back in middle school/high school. I did have some liquid courage already imbibed so I tapped him on the shoulder and we talked for a little. I'd like to reconnect but it's just difficult for me to forgive myself as he readily did. Also contributing to this "carpe diem"-attitude is the idea that tomorrow, or the next day, etc is not guaranteed. I was reading a Cracked article and it was about Steve Jobs' sister who had not known Steve Jobs was her brother until she was 25. The article included a link to her eulogy about him and for retrospect's sake, I will provide a link because it is a very well-written and heartfelt
story. After reading something of that magnitude, what do I have to be ungrateful for? I have my health, I have my family and I am so fortunate to have the luxury of being bored day-to-day while others have to work and worry. In the same vein as the aforementioned, I recently marathoned Parks and Recreation s1-s4 in about a week and there is one character on that show played by Rob Lowe who is always positive, happy, and nice because story-wise, when his character was born, he was only given three weeks to live. With that, he lives each day to the fullest.
Looking forward to the wknd because I will work, play vb (hopefully), and eat myself fat with pmurphs and Greene Easter bbq.
I hope to write regularly from now on because this is the only way to get an accurate depiction of how things are/were years down the road.