"Now, is that Grizwald with a capital G?!"(Leslie Dunavant)

Dec 25, 2002 14:31

So I have the wildest family and I absolutely love it!! haha.. We are the Grizwalds all over again..I have five brothers and two sisters, and there are 14 grandchildren.. We keep getting bigger by the year.. We were trying to take a family picture outside today, it was hysterical.. Everybody was trying to dictate how the picture should look and be and poor Greg(our security guard) was trying to take the picture. Boy were we a trip.. We were all yelling Grizwald lines left and right.. My brother was like "What do ya say Audrey" cause she's the daughter in the movie.. haha Not to mention that in the freezing cold outside for the picture, little Harry had no pants on. He's three and he was so into opening all his presents(he got tons!) that he didn't take time to stop and go to the bathroom. Cause he didn't want to miss a thing. So he had an accident and peed in his pants, so he ran around half naked the rest of the time, we got a picture of him in his new riding race car with no pants and a big smile! he's adorable!!God it was so funny..I got a new digital camera for christmas, so I took a few pictures of some of my utterly adorable neices and nephews.. mostly the youngest ones cause they're so damn cute! I'll post stuff soon as I get my software set up for the camera and my lap top is fixed. It's gone haywire recently..

My dad gave me an incredible ruby and diamond ring.. It's real simple and elegant. i'm not a huge jewelry person, I mean shit, i hang out at shows at places like the New Daisy, not many Large gems lurking around there.. haha. So this is a nice size for me.. Beautiful but not too gaudy, can be worn everyday.. My brother Woodson gave me the most amazing purse in the world. He bought it in New York where he's living now. It's beaded with beautiful colors.. It's amazing, I took a picture of that too..hehe.. My little brother gave me a great denim jacket with faux leopard fur on the collar and cuffs.. It may sound tacky by just reading about it, but it's really rather cute.. I got a lot more stuff, those are just some highlights..

I feel horrendous.. Cheryl got grounded til the 15th. I feel like it's partially my fault.. Just cause she called and asked if she could stay here.. But I had no idea how to turn the alarm off, seeing as though I don't live here year round and the system has been changed.. I hope she knows I would have let her stay if I could have made it possible, it just didn't work out the way we needed it to..

Most of my entries lately have been friends only, just kind of wanted it that way. I go back and forth with that. the people that need to read it, are on my friends list, that's all that matters..

Until then, take care everybody.. I love you all and Merry Christmas...
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