Jun 26, 2007 18:52
She remembers the rain;
not the warm summer rain they’d been having all week
this rain was cold.
It came down and stung with cold,
made her clothes stick to her skin.
She remembers the walk;
there was no car for her drive
because he had it.
It rained the whole way,
people drove past her and thought something was wrong with her,
there was.
She remembers the phone call;
it rang five times before she got it
she almost missed it.
She didn’t recognize the voice on the other end
but it was for her.
She remembers the words;
work accident
crash hurt
injuries pain
She remembers the room;
cords and tubes,
bandages and bruises
a machine beeping...
She remembers the kiss;
long and soft
she had butterflies in her stomach
just like she always did.
She remembers the tears;
cold and steady
her vision was blurred
and she held his hand.
She remembers the love;
for it’s all she has left
when the beeping stopped
a part of her died too.