Life Changes: Month 1

May 03, 2009 10:01

For the Month of May, I will start recycling and composting. Really these are carryovers from April but only part of April. THis month I will take the challenge full on though.

Goal 1: Recycle EVERYTHING that can be recycled
Goal 2: Compost EVERYTHING that can be composted

Goal 1
I am actually going into week 6 of recycling but I have been kind of lax about it. So far we recycling about 75% of everything that is recyclable. The hurdles I see are...
1: Remembering to recycle
2: Not having bins upstairs and downstairs for recyclables
3: Being too lazy to breakdown items into individual components
4. Remembering which week it is...paper or plastic/glass/metal as it alternates every other week
5. Getting the family on board with composting

Goal 2
I bought our Earth Machine a few weeks ago. Right now I am going through about 4 quarts of compost every 2-3 days. We are currently composting about 90% of possible compostable materials. I think so far we are doing well.
The hurdles I see are...
1. Remembering to compost
2. Getting the family on board with composting

So far we have seen out trash go from 2 full trash cans a week with at least 4-6 bags of trash in there down to 2 bags of trash a week. We are putting out at least on big tote bin full of recyclables going out every week.

composting, life changes, recycling

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