Oct 28, 2009 07:58
I had a few things to say about Carter today. He's growing up so darn fast! He has started playing with his cars in a similar way to Madelyn. He personifies them and they have little conversations with one another. You can't really understand what he is saying because he mumbles, but you can tell that his play has changed. It is becoming more meaningful than just doing something.
His favorite question is "why." Everything is "Why mommy?" He also likes to ask where people went. It's like a game. "Where'd daddy go? Where'd mommy go." He'll ask even if you're standing right then, then he thinks it's hilarious when you pretend to look for that person (including looking for yourself).
He is understanding more and more. The other morning he woke up and I said, "Hey buddy! How's your cold?" He shook his head and said, "I not sick." I've caught him a few times correcting himself when he uses the wrong words or word orders. He often says things like, "Madelyn blanket me." That can be translated to, "Madelyn has my blanket." So he is starting to correct himself when he says things like that.
He's very clingy to me lately. I think my being gone so much with school is taking a bit of a toll on him. I'm trying to make our time together more meaningful so that when I have things I need to get done, he is ok with giving me a little space. Yesterday we painted pictures for (soon-to-be) Grandpa Dave. We painted our hands and made handprints. Both kids really loved that. Carter did great. I was afraid he was going to just start smearing it around, but after watching Madelyn, he knew what to do. He did really well painting a picture too. We've come a long way from the little guy who'd try to taste test the paint.
He is beginning to understand his colors and letters. He seems to know the colors green and blue. I'd say he knows blue the most. He also seems to recognize the letters B, C, and D. It's hit or miss though... but he gets them right often enough to know it isn't coincidence.
Today in the tub I asked him if he was going to get out. He said, "No, I play boat." I said, "Oh you are going to play with the boat? What color is the boat?" He said, "Boo!" "Oh, it's a blue boat? Where is the green boat?" Carter pointed and said, "Right there. Behind me." And it was. :)
He heard a doorbell and got excited. "Someone's here!" I said, "That was on Blue's Clues." He looked disappointed when he said, "Oh."
Madelyn is funny translating things he says. She'll ask me why he says things sometimes. I just like that she can understand him nearly as well as I can. Last night she slept in his room and I spent some time just listening to them on the monitor. I couldn't understand Carter quite as well without being able to see the context of what he was saying, but they are just cute to listen to. Madelyn was saying, "That doesn't look very comfortable, Carter. Ok now close your eyes and go to sleep."
Madelyn is still really into writing. She wanted to write Becca's first and last name a couple of days ago. She didn't know how to make a B when she started and now she is a pro. There are just a handful of letters left for her to learn to write... well, if you consider her ability to make either the capital or lowercase letter.
She has some really great ideas for a 3 year old and she is really good at finding reasonable explanations for the things she wants. Yesterday she was in the tub and she said she wanted to watch Signing Time. I said, "You can't watch Signing Time when you're in the bathtub." She said, "I wish they made waterproof TVs." I thought that was a pretty cool idea for a little girl. I don't have other examples at the top of my head, but even her teacher has mentioned how hard it is to tell her no sometimes because she has such reasonable arguments.
Ok I need to end this here. Much to do!