Re: Random *YO*elliebear128May 5 2010, 22:05:54 UTC
I think the recurring problem is that I'm too lazy to post. :D
Life is college life, turning 21 has definitely opened more opportunities :D I'm not an alcoholic but social drinking can be fun (when people in your group aren't embarrassing, horrible drinkers who makes asses out of themselves in public)! Of course, I've had to try soju^^ It is SO good with grilled meat. I thought this was funny and kind of wtf, there apparently is alcoholic bubble tea in canada b/c todefinebeauty's had it. Who even thought of that??
Summer's coming up! My roommates and I have to find a new house to rent now that our lease is up (THANK GOODNESS, we've been living across from our gross landlord. Awkward. Def not eye candy). Going to that concert I told you about and a Miyavi concert. Jrock...have u ever tried it? There's just something a little too emo for me, but my friends really wanna go so I guess I'll find out once and for all, lol.
Besides that, I'm prolly headed to Washington D.C. this summer to visit but I'm hoping to stop by New York too. It's such an iconic US place and I've never even been to the East Coast, how lame is that? And, the oh-so-fun part, working thru the summer so I won't be broke. It's not bad, I work in the Finance and Business Services office at my university part-time. lol, sounds exciting, right?
omg i've always wanted to try soju but my family always orders plum wine instead. i've heard a lot of people can't handle the taste. it kinda burns? how does it taste like? there's alcoholic bubble tea here too! i had it last year during mothers day. they were giving out free alcohol to all females (including me, very much underage haha) and it was kinda funky. chilli infused margaritas (sp?) with those bubble thingies. weird mix, but it tasted good though!
it must be nice to have summer! you know, as opposed to it being hot ALL year around here. we kind of have summer, since summer=lots of sun and lots of rain and that's how it is every single day here. wish we had spring though. no jrock for me. i trieeeed, and honestly, i couldn't get past the fanservice and pretty boys. i kept forgetting to listen to the music haha. and i like to be able to tell the gender of my crushes thankyouverymuch xD miyavi rocks a kimono better than i can. how many roomies do you have? i can't wait till next year when i can move into the college dorms :D
hey, you're hosting a suju contest? i would join, except, uh, i can't write for shit haha.
Re: Random *YO*elliebear128May 7 2010, 04:05:50 UTC
Soju is ONLY good if you take it by the shot, sipping it is reallly kind of just gross and bitter in your mouth. I would say it's a lot lighter version of vodka, kind of reminds of of sake if you've had that. There's definitely not a sugary taste to it, just clean I'd say. :D That's soo funny that they just hand out alcoholic drinks w/o checking ID. Seriously, here I recently got carded trying to get into an R-rated movie. That's never even happened to me when I was actually underaged (18). The pimply kid checking my ID was like even younger than me! He was SOOO embarasssed when he realized we were all definitey over. That's what sucks here, too strict about being "of age and everything." Rawr.
It can be nice to have summer, but we generally get rain rain rain here even during summer. It's been stormy and COLD all week, WHERE IS THE SUN?! Jrock....I've never felt compelled enough to try...especially with the fanservice, I don't actually like my crushes making
I've got two other roomies, it's funny b/c one is Japanese and the other is Korean. We always joke that we're Asia! :D Dorms are okay, depending on what type you end up in. My first year, I was in this tiny little dorm room that was even smaller than my room at my parent's and it was shared with two other people! Talk about squished like sardines, girls can be quite bitchy and the claws started coming out! So that means you're headed to college next year then? :D
Suju contest! Ah, as part of my total failness, I posted the link incorrectly EVERYWHERE. Now I'm gonna have to fix my fail. BUT join! BTW YOU CAN TOTALLY WRITE! YOUR WRITING IS THE SHIT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Not only that, you're an intelligent writer, which is something I can't honestly say for A LOT of people. I DON'T EVEN REALLY CARE WHAT YOU'RE GONNA SAY BECAUSE YOU'RE JOINING. WHY? DUH, YOU'RE AMAZING. SO rawr.
yeah i've had sake. haha i've been handed alcohol since i was... 13? and i'm always the one sent to buy tickets for r-rated movies. but i don't need to go out to drink. my mom stocks the fridge with plenty of alcohol and then when she opens a bottle of wine or something she takes a glass and then asks me to finish the rest. dad doesn't drink, sis is in sydney and my brother hates anything remotely sweet so i've built up a pretty high alcohol tolerance. i almost finished a whole bottle of champagne and i didn't even feel the least bit drunk.
oh hey korean! so do you know any of the two languages? yeah, college next year. but the problem is, my town is kind of a high end town and all the colleges are here. meaning college could be a five minutes drive away. i'll definitely be going to either america or australia after pre-u though!
Re: Random *YO*elliebear128May 9 2010, 05:54:47 UTC
Yeah, one of my roommates is korean (born and lived in the U.S. her entire life) but unfortunantely she's not really into kpop anymore, she did when she was really young. Useless to me! ha. I love her anywyas. I know a little bit of korean and japanese because of the random things they teach me. Like bae-go-pah! :DDD Shin-ne in japanese, means DIE! Very helpful yeah? You're still taking korean lessons, right? I wish I had more time (and money) to take more language classes.
What's pre-u? Do you have a preference where you'd go?
lmao. You mean the attention span of a goldfish then? :D Oh wait, I forgot you're scared of fish...
lol i can curse fluently in korean. comes in handy when you're pissed and the person you're pissed at is beside you xD i stopped precisely because of those two reasons! i fund my classes myself, and have to save... for what, half a year to pay for one course. after spending my cash on the suju concert, i'm basically broke. and my korean teacher is going back, so without her, i don't want to continue.but i know enough to get me by so i think i can cope by myself.
pre-u is pre-university. because we graduate from high school at 17, we have to go for another year of college. and that's pre-u. not really. not too fond of australia for some reason, but my sister makes it out to be such a cool place. whereas my brother, who studied in the us was always going about the crime rate and whatnot :|
yeah attention span of a goldfish. i say that all the time but no one believes me. i would argue more but i get distracted xD
Re: Random *YO*elliebear128May 9 2010, 07:07:07 UTC
It depends on where in the us, some are definitely better than others though. I'd personally recommend us b/c obviously i'm bias, ha. BUT there are also some really boring states you could end up in too, where there's literally nothing to do but stare at people all day. I have a cousin who's in australia studying too, he got sent there by my aunt and uncle to "save" him. lol. He was a total playboy/"prince" back in Vietnam b/c his parents are hella rich so he's a bit more than spoiled by that. Doesn't help that he has a cute face, girls totally fall for the money and the appearance. Seems like he's behaving so much more now in the land of the down under :D because there's absolutely nothing to do :D
How much was your sj concert ticket, btw?
There are perks to being a goldfish! You can be hella pissed for one second and then the next you'll be super happy again :D Well, that and being extremely content on eating their own poo, ya know. lol
yeah, my borther was in iowa, but he spent his holidays cycling around the country. pictuuuuures haha.
well, it was cheaper than my dbsk concert ticket because i got a discount, but it was around USD 122. those were the most expensive tickets in the house. for the dbsk concert, it was $244.6 but i paid $152.
couldn't we just turn into goldfishs. it seems like such a nice, simple life. /sighs/
Re: Random *YO*elliebear128May 9 2010, 23:40:34 UTC
Damn, those tickets are pricey. Both the epik high and this kero one,etc were each only $35~ Which did you enjoy better? dbsk or the sj concert?
Goldfish are also usually stuck in a fish bowl...I'd rather be a squid. I could shoot out black ink at other sea animals for fun and then run away. Or a jellyfish, those are so pretty and dangerous^^ Ohh, and yummy. I'm going to go have some right now! :D
both were pretty awesome because i was so close to the boys i could literally touch them, but i gotta say superjunior. dbsk was all about the visual effects but superjunior's was about the interaction!
ooooh i only heard bonamana 3 minutes ago and i can sing it already. /has no life/
... are we really talking about aquatic life here? well then, i want to be a seahorse ^^ and i never could bring myself to eat jellyfish. the most i've eaten is maybe stingray.
Re: Random *YO*elliebear128May 10 2010, 11:46:58 UTC
JELLYFISH IS DELICIOUS. lol, seahorses. Did you know that they never actually have sex? The female just disperses eggs into the male's pocket and he internally fertalizes it? Talk about taking the fun out of things, at least HE has to be the one carrying it around. I'll let you pick again if you wanna change now. XD What about non-aquatic life?
male pregnancymeans that we can skip out on the labour so why not? shame about the no sex though haha.
non-aquatic... i want to be a leopard. mainly because i'm scared of them. they're so sleek and elegant and beautiful that it unnerves me. i want to stalk people! :D how bout you?
i can just imagine the live stages. they can just halfass their way through the whole thing. it's all so autotuned anyway.
Re: Random *YO*elliebear128May 12 2010, 05:59:38 UTC
Leopards! Me like! Ohh, I love pandas but it might get really borrrring just eating bamboo all day....and not much else :D My favorite animal has always been sea otters, they're the teddy bears of the sea! I kind of like the idea of being able to float on my back and eat at the same time.
Uh, yeah, no sex. pass please. Speaking of sea horses or horses in general, are girls where you live totally obsessed with horses and wolves? Especially horses, it's almost like they actually want a relationship with the animal. It's like "taming the beast", ha.
Have you seen MV? Lol, the chicken dance at the beginning. Hae ARMS. Freaking arms. I really like the hat and make-eup on Hyuk. Idk, I thought the styles for the others would be more edgy like his instead of more suit jackets.
uh, no? WHO are the people around you??? wolves maybe, because of the whole *forces self to say it* twilight fiasco. but horses? maybe because no one rears horses here. unless you're filthy rich. idk, a lot of my friends in western countries have horses. in malaysia, you're more likely to rear a tiger or sharks than a horse, really. i've seen pet sharks plenty of times. i kinda envy all those beautiful fields you have though. it's 70% rainforest here and because i live in the city, it's just houses everywhere i look.
i only watched the mv when you mentioned it in fact. lol what the fuck was that in the beginning. and the middle and the end. you know what, the dance just sucks in general. this is what you call low budget lol. who gave the smart idea that kyuhyun would lead the HIPTHRUSTING AND HEAD SHAKING? i was watching a bollywood movie earlier (why...? xD) and rofl, i have a sneaking suspicion that the moves were stolen from india. the similarities are strking.
somewhere, kyuhyun is headdesking, wondering why he joined superjunior. and poor eeteuk. he's shirtless yet we don't get to see anything. i hate hyukjae's pants. hated them when beast wore them, hated them when 2pm wore them, no different for hyukjae. even the !ultimatebias! status does not save those pants :|
Re: Random *YO*elliebear128May 12 2010, 22:53:46 UTC
Pfft, at least you don't live in Washington where the twilight crap is supposed to be located in. Gross!
Yeah, it's true that we have fields but I'm like you too, I live in the dense city where all the trees are being cut down for more buildings and houses that are starting to be all squished together so sellers can maximize profit. Right now, finding a decent place is SO HARD. There was this one creepy little house that had only one bathroom total downstairs and the floors all creaked as you walk and every room has a little door that leads to "extra storage space" but it's really a scary little area littered with installation and probably where serial killers hid the victims' bodies. Not good.
Yeah, those "pants" (um, skirt wannabe, anyone?) should be burned. Every single one until the last one goes up in flames. Now that would be glorious. I actually disliked how they dressed up Ryeowook, weird-looking shoulderpad-ish suit thingies. Yesung's was so average-looking too that you totally forget about him. Sungmin's poker card sleeveless shirt? Throw that away too. lol, they need new stylists.
Well at least this mv isn't as cheap as sj-m's blue tomorrow. lol, I srsly laughed out loud at some of the cheesy scenes they added in, probably done for ten dollars. One thing I noticed abt the choreography is it seems sloppy, sometimes there are obviously members just literally sitting there doing nothing. That and points in time where Heechul is in the dead center back and attempting to dance. I don't think they did as good a job hiding the not so decent dancers. Yeah, I was surprised Hyuk wasn't leading the thrusting/etc like before. Eh, maybe it'll look better live.
Life is college life, turning 21 has definitely opened more opportunities :D I'm not an alcoholic but social drinking can be fun (when people in your group aren't embarrassing, horrible drinkers who makes asses out of themselves in public)! Of course, I've had to try soju^^ It is SO good with grilled meat. I thought this was funny and kind of wtf, there apparently is alcoholic bubble tea in canada b/c todefinebeauty's had it. Who even thought of that??
Summer's coming up! My roommates and I have to find a new house to rent now that our lease is up (THANK GOODNESS, we've been living across from our gross landlord. Awkward. Def not eye candy). Going to that concert I told you about and a Miyavi concert. Jrock...have u ever tried it? There's just something a little too emo for me, but my friends really wanna go so I guess I'll find out once and for all, lol.
Besides that, I'm prolly headed to Washington D.C. this summer to visit but I'm hoping to stop by New York too. It's such an iconic US place and I've never even been to the East Coast, how lame is that? And, the oh-so-fun part, working thru the summer so I won't be broke. It's not bad, I work in the Finance and Business Services office at my university part-time. lol, sounds exciting, right?
How about you? How's life treating ya?
there's alcoholic bubble tea here too! i had it last year during mothers day. they were giving out free alcohol to all females (including me, very much underage haha) and it was kinda funky. chilli infused margaritas (sp?) with those bubble thingies. weird mix, but it tasted good though!
it must be nice to have summer! you know, as opposed to it being hot ALL year around here. we kind of have summer, since summer=lots of sun and lots of rain and that's how it is every single day here. wish we had spring though.
no jrock for me. i trieeeed, and honestly, i couldn't get past the fanservice and pretty boys. i kept forgetting to listen to the music haha. and i like to be able to tell the gender of my crushes thankyouverymuch xD miyavi rocks a kimono better than i can.
how many roomies do you have?
i can't wait till next year when i can move into the college dorms :D
hey, you're hosting a suju contest? i would join, except, uh, i can't write for shit haha.
It can be nice to have summer, but we generally get rain rain rain here even during summer. It's been stormy and COLD all week, WHERE IS THE SUN?! Jrock....I've never felt compelled enough to try...especially with the fanservice, I don't actually like my crushes making
I've got two other roomies, it's funny b/c one is Japanese and the other is Korean. We always joke that we're Asia! :D Dorms are okay, depending on what type you end up in. My first year, I was in this tiny little dorm room that was even smaller than my room at my parent's and it was shared with two other people! Talk about squished like sardines, girls can be quite bitchy and the claws started coming out! So that means you're headed to college next year then? :D
Suju contest! Ah, as part of my total failness, I posted the link incorrectly EVERYWHERE. Now I'm gonna have to fix my fail. BUT join! BTW YOU CAN TOTALLY WRITE! YOUR WRITING IS THE SHIT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Not only that, you're an intelligent writer, which is something I can't honestly say for A LOT of people. I DON'T EVEN REALLY CARE WHAT YOU'RE GONNA SAY BECAUSE YOU'RE JOINING. WHY? DUH, YOU'RE AMAZING. SO rawr.
lol, have you seen the teaser yet?
haha i've been handed alcohol since i was... 13? and i'm always the one sent to buy tickets for r-rated movies. but i don't need to go out to drink. my mom stocks the fridge with plenty of alcohol and then when she opens a bottle of wine or something she takes a glass and then asks me to finish the rest. dad doesn't drink, sis is in sydney and my brother hates anything remotely sweet so i've built up a pretty high alcohol tolerance. i almost finished a whole bottle of champagne and i didn't even feel the least bit drunk.
oh hey korean! so do you know any of the two languages? yeah, college next year. but the problem is, my town is kind of a high end town and all the colleges are here. meaning college could be a five minutes drive away. i'll definitely be going to either america or australia after pre-u though!
i'll just be a voter, thank you very much xD
What's pre-u? Do you have a preference where you'd go?
lmao. You mean the attention span of a goldfish then? :D Oh wait, I forgot you're scared of fish...
i stopped precisely because of those two reasons! i fund my classes myself, and have to save... for what, half a year to pay for one course. after spending my cash on the suju concert, i'm basically broke. and my korean teacher is going back, so without her, i don't want to continue.but i know enough to get me by so i think i can cope by myself.
pre-u is pre-university. because we graduate from high school at 17, we have to go for another year of college. and that's pre-u.
not really. not too fond of australia for some reason, but my sister makes it out to be such a cool place. whereas my brother, who studied in the us was always going about the crime rate and whatnot :|
yeah attention span of a goldfish. i say that all the time but no one believes me. i would argue more but i get distracted xD
How much was your sj concert ticket, btw?
There are perks to being a goldfish! You can be hella pissed for one second and then the next you'll be super happy again :D Well, that and being extremely content on eating their own poo, ya know. lol
pictuuuuures haha.
well, it was cheaper than my dbsk concert ticket because i got a discount, but it was around USD 122. those were the most expensive tickets in the house.
for the dbsk concert, it was $244.6 but i paid $152.
couldn't we just turn into goldfishs. it seems like such a nice, simple life. /sighs/
Goldfish are also usually stuck in a fish bowl...I'd rather be a squid. I could shoot out black ink at other sea animals for fun and then run away. Or a jellyfish, those are so pretty and dangerous^^ Ohh, and yummy. I'm going to go have some right now! :D
ooooh i only heard bonamana 3 minutes ago and i can sing it already. /has no life/
... are we really talking about aquatic life here? well then, i want to be a seahorse ^^
and i never could bring myself to eat jellyfish. the most i've eaten is maybe stingray.
bonamana~ ah, the autotuning~ catchy though
non-aquatic... i want to be a leopard. mainly because i'm scared of them. they're so sleek and elegant and beautiful that it unnerves me. i want to stalk people! :D
how bout you?
i can just imagine the live stages. they can just halfass their way through the whole thing. it's all so autotuned anyway.
Uh, yeah, no sex. pass please. Speaking of sea horses or horses in general, are girls where you live totally obsessed with horses and wolves? Especially horses, it's almost like they actually want a relationship with the animal. It's like "taming the beast", ha.
Have you seen MV? Lol, the chicken dance at the beginning. Hae ARMS. Freaking arms. I really like the hat and make-eup on Hyuk. Idk, I thought the styles for the others would be more edgy like his instead of more suit jackets.
wolves maybe, because of the whole *forces self to say it* twilight fiasco. but horses?
maybe because no one rears horses here. unless you're filthy rich. idk, a lot of my friends in western countries have horses. in malaysia, you're more likely to rear a tiger or sharks than a horse, really. i've seen pet sharks plenty of times.
i kinda envy all those beautiful fields you have though. it's 70% rainforest here and because i live in the city, it's just houses everywhere i look.
i only watched the mv when you mentioned it in fact. lol what the fuck was that in the beginning. and the middle and the end. you know what, the dance just sucks in general.
this is what you call low budget lol. who gave the smart idea that kyuhyun would lead the HIPTHRUSTING AND HEAD SHAKING?
i was watching a bollywood movie earlier (why...? xD) and rofl, i have a sneaking suspicion that the moves were stolen from india. the similarities are strking.
somewhere, kyuhyun is headdesking, wondering why he joined superjunior.
and poor eeteuk. he's shirtless yet we don't get to see anything.
i hate hyukjae's pants. hated them when beast wore them, hated them when 2pm wore them, no different for hyukjae.
even the !ultimatebias! status does not save those pants :|
Yeah, it's true that we have fields but I'm like you too, I live in the dense city where all the trees are being cut down for more buildings and houses that are starting to be all squished together so sellers can maximize profit. Right now, finding a decent place is SO HARD. There was this one creepy little house that had only one bathroom total downstairs and the floors all creaked as you walk and every room has a little door that leads to "extra storage space" but it's really a scary little area littered with installation and probably where serial killers hid the victims' bodies. Not good.
Yeah, those "pants" (um, skirt wannabe, anyone?) should be burned. Every single one until the last one goes up in flames. Now that would be glorious. I actually disliked how they dressed up Ryeowook, weird-looking shoulderpad-ish suit thingies. Yesung's was so average-looking too that you totally forget about him. Sungmin's poker card sleeveless shirt? Throw that away too. lol, they need new stylists.
Well at least this mv isn't as cheap as sj-m's blue tomorrow. lol, I srsly laughed out loud at some of the cheesy scenes they added in, probably done for ten dollars. One thing I noticed abt the choreography is it seems sloppy, sometimes there are obviously members just literally sitting there doing nothing. That and points in time where Heechul is in the dead center back and attempting to dance. I don't think they did as good a job hiding the not so decent dancers. Yeah, I was surprised Hyuk wasn't leading the thrusting/etc like before. Eh, maybe it'll look better live.
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