Sep 17, 2004 22:27
Hey, today was mildly uneventful. I had pratice and that was about it i didnt' even trip or anything today (i'm so proud). Then there was a football game we won! We beat marshall i guess theres a big rivalry between the to of our schools. Well i guess we beat them. I cut myself today really bad. i bled through my pants. It's just been such a bad day. I can't stop myself i'm such a bad person. how can anyone even talk to me i'm probably pulling them under with me too. But i never feel bad for myself because i always get what i desirve and i know that. I feel so bad for lauren though. shes having such a bad week. I cut myself for her too. And i am sick of having libby, abby, and julie at the table we all are not just me they are rude to the guys and they only talk to each other Oliver isn't a bad person he doesn't have a disease leave him alone he won't touch you god don't be such a fucking baby. ohhh boy cooties shut up and eat your damn yougart. i'm not the only one who feels this way though. and mr. kennedy is so boring but today he was actually fun. well looking at least funny looking in thoes pictures. I don't know i'm sorry for being a burden. i just can't talk to anyone else