Nov 11, 2005 16:25
Once upon a time there was a little girl with little veins who had to get her teeth of (little) wisdom removed. The doctor had a little trouble locating her little vains, and so he had to poke her little arm several times with an needle so that she would take a little nap. He's also put a little mask over her noise which was a little weird for her to get used to breathing with because she knew it was not normal breathing air. He got a little tired of poking my arm but not getting a vein, so he told her that the veins tended roll to roll a little.
He tied the little rubber thing around her forearm and reached for her hand, telling her that she would feel a another little pinch. She was feeling a little catatonic from the Nitrous Oxide around her nose so she said in a little voice, "ok," although she was really in the midst of a little monologue with him in her head where she told him all about how the doctors usually had trouble drawing a little blood from her veins so this wasn't the first time she had to become a push pin. She offered to pump her fist a little if that would help, but the doctor declined. She doesn't remember much more after this point because she took a little nap.
Guess what though? Now she only has 24 teeth in her mouth which is a little bit fewer than the average adult... She is taking a couple pills on a little schedule now, one of which started with a "V" and ends in "codin substitute" which contains a little codine.
Um, she thinks she's a little vampire because her throat is sore, and in the post-op pamphlet there was a little paragraph where it said that sore throat was probably due to swallowing blood.
My mom made me some lime jello. It will be set in a little while. I mean her mom.
I need to go lie down for a little bit.