I love Survivor. I've been hooked since Season 2
And for 3 seasons now I've been following Jeff Probst blog on EW.com popwatch. He posts his own recap on the Friday after the episode airs on Thursday. It's aweomse!
http://popwatch.ew.com/2010/03/05/jeff-probst-blogs-survivor-heroes-vs-villains-episode-4/ Anyway, this week he was talking about the hidden immunity idols and how they want them to look for them and use them many many times. The last sentence he wrote is why I love Jeff:
So the Villains’ decision to sit on the clue and do nothing about it is not the most exciting news to hear back at base camp. That’s just one of the reasons Russell was invited back - he plays the game. He’s not an observer, he’s a participant. And he still should have won last season.
Amen brother!
And on the Lost front... good lord enough with the sideways flash or whatever they are calling it. Who the F cares. Is it interesting, certainly, but I just want answers to the show I've been watching forever now .. not some other theories and views. Oye. Enough. Just give me answers!!!
Thank you.