First day of my workshop with K-3 students was - well, exciting. Turned out we had twice as many students as expected, so it got quite chaotic. My friend A came as sort of my TA, which on the one hand was bizzare - I've never really had one before (!) - but I was so grateful to her - couldn't have done it without her available to run around the building with half the group while the other half was actually interested in doing the activity I had planned. During the rare moments of peace, when we were able to connect with students in small groups, it was beautiful. All our activities will centre on the book
Frederick, which uses the story of a small mouse community to illustrate the importance of poetry and creative expression. Loved watching their captivated faces as we read! In the coming week, they'll be working with other college students to develop their own poems to share next Friday. Can't wait to see their creations.
I introduced a few yoga poses to them as well, and they were surprisingly receptive. They picked up the purpose of
Balasana (Child's Pose) (or Mouse, as we were calling it for Frederick), right away - after a moment, they were telling me how well it relaxes your body and that it's a nice thing to do when you wake up in the morning. It was wonderful. One boy asked me if it was true that meditation makes you fly. We had the chance to talk a little bit about what a metaphor is, and then I showed them some poses that make me feel like I'm flying. In
Salabhasana (Locust Pose) with arms forward, he smiled. "It does feel like I'm flying!"
Maybe next week we'll take flight in an