damn good song, im trying to learn the solo. its easy as hell compared to other Pink Floyd solos.. but i cant remember the order of notes.. i seem to have that problem with learning more songs on guitar lately..
oh, I drove Pat home from Karate last night, he proposed the idea we go up to see Tabby on her birthday this friday. it'd only be maybe 15min after school, but itd be worth it.. i dunno tho.. i might get the addiction for her back.. im also gonna see if we can hang out with Tiffany after that. that'd also be sweet..
i got a note from Margaret earlier.. that brightened my day.. then again.. i'd only been awake for maybe 5 minutes.. so maybe its a good sign for today? or maybe a condolance for an upcoming bad day.. strange, i got offline about 20 minutes from the time the note was put on my journal. argh i coulda maybe seen her online.
madeku84: get the lyrics to MOTA, its funny as shit
Large McHuge Big: haha linkme
http://www.purelyrics.com/index.php?lyrics=fejnzrxomadeku84: I take a hit but it smells like a clove
Oh fuck I got a baggie of oregano
Large McHuge Big: WOWW
Large McHuge Big: i want some methedrine
madeku84: lyrics are good, yes?
Large McHuge Big: ..MM, METHEDRINE
Large McHuge Big: WHAT? OH SORRY, YEAH
madeku84: hehe
well that cheered me up.. now im back at a moderate level..