(no subject)

Jan 30, 2007 09:15


Classes were fun yesterday. Except for Lit and Spanish, all of my other classes are of the social studies genre. Today, I have gov, then civil criminal law, then student aide for Funk(!), and then AP Spanish, haha. Which, btw will be fun. I miss the Fiel kids, but Ted's still in it, haha.. and there's only 8 people total. Plus Sammy Q on even days wooo! Mr Heron was funny yesterday and today too.. first block isn't so painful when he's funny. Contemporary Issues will be fun, but there are stupid people in the class too.. haha but there are smart kids on our side. Yayyy. And McGrath mornings + magnetic poetry = looooove, haha I love it. Krista needs to break out of the closet. And Ms McGrath needs lying and secret-keeping lessons. We're in the middle of developing a program for her.

Gu-rad went well!! First place holla.

JENNIFER!!! jenelle.

We 20pointed the second place.. word. It'll even out eventually when other people are done.. but good start, right? We just need to clean, and we'll probably change some work.. def changing some drill. I'm so excited for Penncrest + Norristown. Can't wait to see Bpex(Jennnn<3 and Regina Spektor haha) and then Blackwatch the next week.

Work's boring, but I get money. That's cool. I always get really busy like at 8 when I start to clean, and then I have to stay open like 10 minutes longer. I didn't have any costumers until 5 yesterday, and then it was like three people an hour until I was getting ready to close. Thanks, crazy people that want ice cream when it's about to snow.

Okay now I have to go next door for Civ/Crim Law. With BrittBrittboutsun! hah <3
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