i've been calling you like you owe me money

Nov 23, 2010 08:02

You know, it'd be a lot easier to get my homework done if I weren't in the throes of a new fandom. Oh self, such a great timing you have! /sarcasm

- Guys, I don't mind Zoey/Zoe/Zooey/Zoie. That being said, why is she sticking around? I feel like there's no way she's going to be the Mother, but the writers have me at a loss. Is she going to divorce her husband? Will Ted be the marriage breaker-upper? In any case, that's a weird situation and I don't want Ted Eleanor Mosby to be a part of it.

- THE GENTLEMEN! (...is that a buffy reference? i don't understand it, but i do enjoy it when people just unanimously shout things)

- "Guys, we hate Kate Hudson now." I just felt like this celebrity hating bit was the closest we've come to old Lily in a really long time.

- I also really love how Robin gets all 16 and defensive when she denies admitting to liking somebody. Even if that somebody is Wang Guy. (oh and the KISS makeup was pretty hilarious)

- FERRIS BUELLER REFERENCES FTW. Ted sang Twist & Shout! Marshall told Barney to slow down! "I'm not the Blitz. I'm the BUELLER!" Awesome.

- Basically, the episode was okay. It felt a little more like old times, when the gang has crazy adventures together. But there wasn't really a standout HILARIOUS moment for me, so...okay HIMYM. You live to see another week.

- I'm so obsessed with this show. I don't really know when it happened, but oh god. I love the thrill of a new fandom.

- First thought: the guy who ended up in the hospital who was a witness to the whole shooting? HOT.

- This show is not afraid of Random Appearances of Half-Nakedness and for that, I applaud them. I love that Kono is just ready to go in her swimsuit AT ALL TIMES and Steve is just like ready to go, ready to help. And speaking of that whole scene, DANNO. EYES UP HERE. It was amazing.

- Danny's wife! Randomly British, for one. The story of how they met was kind of beyond adorable (and then we find out that maybe she might've kind of done it on purpose?) and ahaha, Steve was like "how did you get her? she's awesome!" (paraphrasing, obvs) and Danno's all "I'm a catch!". But by the end, Danny and Rachel didn't exactly hate each other anymore and, yes. I kind of want to see more of that dynamic (she wrecked her car again! For him!).

- Watching the bad guys train for an Iron Man Triathalon makes me realize that I never want to get fit enough that I think an Iron Man would ever be fun. Even if it is set in Hawaii...no.


- The way they caught each bad guy was just...so in their own style. Kono with her snarky comments and Danny with the cooler and then CHIN COULD'VE KILLED THAT GUY WITH THE HOSE. But my favorite was Steve, because he just went head first, pummeled the guy off his bike onto the sand, HAD TO FIGHT HIM and show off his crazy military training like jumping kicks to the stomach and then end up handcuffing him in the end. Perfection.

- The end with Grace! Guys, Gracie has earrings now and I can just see Danny blowing a gasket over that. Under the assumption that Grace is like 9 or 10, I mean, I feel like Danny would've been upset because she's his little girl and she's growing up too fast and it was probably Step-Stan's idea. Basically, this is a fic in the making (or at least, I want it to be).

- One last note - the product placement in this show is out of control. OUT OF CONTROL.

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