[As the feed turns on. the background looks somewhat blurry, as the Pokegear is swinging around. A girl can be seen sitting in the Pokemon Center looking quite......... annoyed. Which is no surprise for Shiho. But what's this! A new addition to her team! A very, very, very, very fluffy-looking Pokemon can be seen.]
Misdreavus, give me the Pokegear.
Read more... )
[Enter a Misdreavus biting Shiho's hair, and Pidgey flying around her nonstop.]
Who's Rosie?
Rosie is my starter. I received her as a Cleffa, but she has since evolved into a Clefairy. [Said Clefairy is now looking at the screen over his shoulder.]
I see. Wait, evolved? What's that?
[A very curious Misdreavus peeks over Shiho's shoulder. At seeing a new Pokemon, she becomes very excited, and tries to push Shiho out of the way to say hi.]
Misdreavus! Stop! I think she wants to talk to your Cle- I mean, Rosie.
That's perfectly fine. Rosie likes making new friends. [Indeed, she jumps over her trainer's shoulder to say hello.]
Okay, now say hi, Misdreavus.
[Aw, it's almost cute. Misdreavus has made her fist friend from a different trainer. The "almost" coming from Shiho, who is just annoyed at being interrupted.
Fairyclef clef fairy!
[Rosie likes making new friends. She likes it a lot. Which is why she'll be asking Misdreavus all about her team and trainer.]
I fail to see this becoming elegant.
Miiiiis! Misdrea miiiis!
[Odd.......sounds are exchanged between the Pokemon. And, apparently, Misdreavus likes making new friends, too.]
I don't suppose there's a translator on this thing?
Ryryfairy clafairy!
Not as far as I know. But after some time you start understanding what they say, somewhat.
Miiiiiis! Mis, dreavus, miiis!!!
I see. How long do Pokemon like to talk to talk to each other? This is going on for quite a while.
[Totally out of character for Misdreavus, she throws a turn-off-the-feed-and-you-die look at Shiho.
Clefaifairy ry!
Their discussions can last for some time, depending on their personalities. Rosie can talk to her sweetheart for hours, if neither of them are interrupted.
Mis! Mis, mis, misdreavus, miiiis!
Apparently, Misdreavus likes to talk, too. Who's her sweetheart?
Fairy. Clefairy faifairy!
A Aipom named Biz. They met on the Pokégear back in September.
Miiis! Drea, misdrea, dreavus, miis!
Why does that name sound so familiar...... Wait, isn't that kaito's Aipom?
Clefclef clef? Fairy clef!
Indeed it is. Are you a friend of his?
Miiis! Misdrea, mis! Dreavus, miiiisdreaaaa!
[Now, she has to really think about this. If she says yes, she doesn't want to be stuck being buddy-buddy with her for the whole time she's going to be here.]
He's.......an acquaintance. He's given me advice about this world.
[Don't worry, Cecil. She's like this with everyone. She doesn't have friends. Just..... acquaintances. Except for those extremely rare exceptions.]
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