Application @ fandom-smash.

Aug 04, 2011 13:49

~*About You*~
Name: Emma
Age: 25
IM/Personal Journal: xRainbowCloud/xrainbowcloud

~*Your Character*~
Name: Steve Rogers AKA Captain America
Canon: Captain America: The First Avenger
Series: Film 2011
Appearance: Steve || Captain America
Personality: Steve is a sweet young man with a big heart and a lot of guts. Prior to becoming Captain America is a slight thing, always easily picked out and pulled into fights, but he never backs down, always braving things out and carrying the determination to win no matter how unlikely. This is one of the reasons he is chosen to become a super-soldier, never taking the power he gains for granted because it's something he's longed to have all of his life, and he maintains the caring nature long after the change, always courageous and the first to put his own life on the line to save others. The social skills he has are perhaps a little out-dated, and even then not something that help to make him popular, especially amongst the female population. But he never stops trying, always runs into danger rather than away from it, and though turned into the creation intended to be hero he was one long before it.
Powers/Abilities: Captain America, though having gained enhanced abilities, doesn't have any superhuman powers. He is at the best physical condition known to man, and he doesn't require a strict diet and exercise routine in order to maintain it, which allows him to run at great speeds, a great amount of stamina and agility, superior reflexes, and his bones and muscles are more durable than any other human. He is able to heal quickly, think faster, age incredibly slow, and has extremely heightened senses. But other than being the perfect human being, he holds no magical or supernatural powers.
Canon Point: Mid-canon
Character Journal: madefromserum

~*Writing Sample*~
First Person:
[ The soldiers retuned safe and well, along with long-time friend Bucky, Steve breaks away from the masses of people, men celebrating their restored freedom, their success in taking out an enemy camp and surviving, and retreats into one of the tents. He pulls aside the flaps of material that make up the door and turns to slip inside, walking backwards as he does to ensure that no one catches him.

Once inside and safely under cover, he releases the green fabric and turns around, but what should be the inside of an army tent opens out onto an unfamiliar street in what appears to be a large town or city. He looks from side to side, confusion clearly written across his face, and he even makes a point to check behind him in the hope that the door will still be there. But there’s nothing behind him but a road worn in places, and foreign territory unlike any he's ever come across before.

Scared of what might follow, of not being able to return to the base, Steve remains close to the point of entry, courageous as ever as he prepares to enter battle if a fight comes. He calls out nervously, but coherent and clear. ] Is this a test? If anyone can hear me, is this a test?

[what]: application, [rpg]: fandom_smash, [what]: ooc

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