(no subject)

Jan 01, 2012 00:33

[ Locked to ridethecyclone. Romantics Verse. ]

[ The ballroom is grand in size and décor, the architecture beautiful with elegant pillows and low-hanging chandeliers, and the live band starting up their set for the evening playing at the front of the hall adding to the atmosphere.

Steve is sporting his best uniform, nervously tugging at the bottom of his blazer and patting himself down. There are beautifully dressed women hanging from the arms of soldiers, some friends others only familiar from passing, and everyone is enjoying themselves, excited to bring in the New Year with the air of hope hanging over the building.

He looks around until he locates Bucky, a goofy smile spreading wide when he finds him amongst the crowd and starts to head over as casually as possible, muttering to himself beneath his breath. ] Damn, I sure am one lucky guy.

[what]: ic, [who]: bucky barnes || ridethecyclone, [verse]: romantics

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