Oct 04, 2009 12:35
Not everything is fine and dandy or perfect about our relationship. It takes a lot of will, forgiveness, patience and understanding. But right now, I'm feeling low and ready to drop. I'm tired. It's so hard to please someone but very easy to disappoint. I don't like disappointing anyone but I always do it. Circumstances pop up and I have to disappoint. It's not like I want to. He may say I'm over-thinking the stupid situation, maybe I am, but there was no word of comfort or forgiveness, so how not to overthink? I can't believe I lost sleep over this??! Not even the Grace incident did I ever lose sleep. This sucks. But it should mean I can sleep early tonight for my flight tomorrow morning. Sometimes I think we are closer when we are miles apart. Put us together in the same place for long, and disaster happens. Well, maybe come Tuesday I'll be long gone to somewhere since my Dubai flight got cancelled and I'm put on Standby.
Shall spend today with my friends, whom I've not seen for a very long time! =(