Rant time.

Mar 26, 2006 11:47

You all heard about the port security issues. That we were going to hand it over to an Arab government that funded the Taliban for 9/11. Well that deal fell through. Guess who's getting the job now. No really, before you read on in your head make one guess. DOOO IT. Got one? Well it's going to Bush's good friends at Halliburton. No, I couldn't make that up, my sense of humor is not that warped. The same people who are poisoning our troops. They are paid to keep the water supply purified so soldiers can drink it over in Iraq. And they can't do that. It's enduced "mass sickness and death." The same fucking war profiteers who skim millions off the top of every contracting deal in Iraq weekly. I must say, I'd rather let the ports be handled by Dubai. Bush wanted to appoint this job to Dubai, not for money, it's only a few million dollars, not because of morals, the man has none, not because of all the bullshit he spewed about wanting to show them we're still buddy-buddy. He wanted to give it to them because you keep the client happy. All the Bush's have always deal with Arabs, and he wasn't about to let that stop. But no one would let it happen. So the next best reason is money. Give it to the corporation that paid for his being elected.
This country makes me sick.
And don't count on this shit getting better once he's out of office. If it comes down to Clinton and McCain who are lobbying for the vote now. We're so FUCKED. I respected McCain, I really truly did. Until he said "You shouldn't vote for me, you should vote for George Bush...even though he can't get elected again." WHAT?! This man spoke out against everything he saw wrong with the republicans, and the government, and now he's a fucking lap dog for the Bush's. And Hilary Clinton's big issue? Flag burning, and graphic/violent video games. WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THAT? WHAT IS GOING ON WHEN WE CAN NOT ELECT PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO SPEAK OUT AGAINST REAL ISSUES THAT SOMEONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT. NO NO! DON'T TOUCH ON ANYTHING SLIGHTLY CONTROVERSIAL DON'T PISS OFF THE REPUBLICANS OR THE CHRISTIANS OR THE LIBERALS . DON'T OFFEND ANYONE. DON'T HAVE AN OPINION. WHY DON'T YOU JUST MAIL US ALL FLIERS THAT READ "YOU'RE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO UNDERSTAND THE REAL ISSUES SO WE'RE GOING TO SPOON FEED YOU GARBAGE ABOUT THIS SHIT." I partially agree with Bill Maher "It's sad when smart people have to act stupid to be elected. Because most of America is not stupid, assholes yes, but not stupid." I beleive that a good chunk of America is in fact not stupid, we're treated stupid. They do their best to dumb everyone down, but some of us have taken notice. Now, of course, I can't bank on the majority of America being to bright. Obvious reasons.
Someone move to another country with me. At this point I could give a fuck where it is.
You know, for being weeks out of practice with my ranting about America I think that one was half decent. Not on par with my old stuff, mind you. But not bad.
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