Nov 24, 2004 19:50
man i was so frsutrated delivering papers today that i cried- i had so much.. it wasnt fair i delivered for 2 and a half hours it was sooo much nd i got so mad i just cried...they were bigger than a sunday paper (nd those are big) because of gay sales..i hada carry all the bundles down a block and half to the route-delivered 3 of the bundles on the first half of the route - nd than i had pick up the last 3 bundles nd carry em further.. nd i couldt do more than one at a time..nd i got mad about an hour into it.. and took a bundle and threw it in the street- then i look at it nd i cried..nd people started calling my house-nd they saw delivering nd saw why i was late- but they still i cried more ..nd my mom came and helped me but ionly had 10 papers left-nd that was just one bundle- so it didnt help! nd i just cried more.. nd i was really sweaty bc it was so much work so i creid bc i wanted to shower nd theres no papers tomorro but i have to do it again on friday =[