Fic I've written for the ficathon!

Jun 23, 2010 06:45

(God, I need more DW S5 icons).

stardust - amy/eleven, g. 'We're all made of the same material, the same energy,' he says with a smile. 'We're all made out of stars.'

it's not about time - martha + eleven, g. There were those who did not wait for him, and she was one of them.

nocturne - eleven/amy, g. He's shown her every world, but this is the only one that takes her breath away.

maybe, probably, kinda totally weird - britta + eleven, pg. Catastrophe strikes Greendale and Britta meets someone who's probably insane, and most possibly will save the day. But, seriously, there's no way Greendale's getting invaded by aliens.

the boys who love you - eleven/amy, amy/rory, g. She knows that someday, somehow, she'll have to choose.

sometimes, i still need you - eleven/amy, g. Tomorrow arrives sooner than either of them want it to.

to love would be an awfully big adventure - amy/eleven, pg. "All children, except one, grow up."

To be updated!

amy/eleven, doctor who, community, fic

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