Title: Scarred
Summary: 14.03 Drabble. What Sam and Dean should have said in the car at the end.
Rating: PG13
Genre/Spoilers: Gen. Season 14 spoilers.
Warnings: Unbeta'd.
Word Count: 200 - Double drabble special!
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural that privilege belongs to CW, Kripke and Co, I'm simply borrowing them for a while. I'm not making a profit, this is just for fun and all the standard disclaimers apply.
It's kinda like his new scar; on the surface it looks like he's healed, but underneath it's still raw. So yeah, Dean's totally fine, and no one needs to know what's truly going on.
Except Sam, who side-eyes him every chance he gets, who knows him too well to believe any of that crap. So when Dean spills his heart out in the car, it doesn't feel like he's telling Sam anything he doesn't already know.
“But then, you know all about possession and what it's like.” Dean honestly thought he got it; what it was like for Sam with Gadreel, Lucifer and Meg. He thought he understood. But he didn't know shit.
Sam sniffs, and Dean doesn't need to look at him to know that the horrors of old memories have resurfaced.
“Sam, I'm-”
“Don't. You don't need too.” Sam takes a deep breath. “I get it; I've been there, but this isn't all on you. Together, we'll get through this. We've got each other's backs, right?”
“Yeah. Course we do.” Dean flicks his gaze over his shoulder at his brother; sees a beard, a chief, someone he's not sure he knows, and he hopes that that's still true.
A/N: Well, that was certainly an improvement on last week! I loved seeing Jody, and I enjoyed seeing Kaia and Dean, and brotherly car moments, and more bearded Sam. I've been craving something though, and we got so close in the car this week. I want Sam and Dean to talk about possession; for Dean to acknowledge that yes Sam knows what it's like, and that Dean gets it now. So this is a 100 percent self indulgent drabble. As always I'd love to hear your thoughts too; on the episode, on the drabble, on everything (just no spoilers please). Take care :)