Snowflake Challenge - Day One (a little late!)

Jan 02, 2014 20:00

I've seen a few entries of this challenge appear on my flist and with some encouragement from harrigan I'm taking the plunge. One of my new years resolutions is to get more involved in fandom and this challenge seems like the perfect place to start!

Day One

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.

I've always been a little uncomfortable with self-recs but after some thought I've chosen the following fics that seem to stand out from the others:

Secrets and Lies This fic was a major achievement for me. It had existed in various uncompleted rough drafts for years. Then one day I just had to get it finished and it was a huge struggle. While I knew exactly where I wanted it to go, getting it done was the biggest up hill challenge I've ever had with a fic. I'm kinda proud of how it turned out.

Square One This was the first ever fic I wrote for a challenge and I'm really happy with it. The prompt was so juicy that I just simply couldn't resist. It also helped to bring to life my fondness for gen curtain!fic (both reading and writing) which can be hard to find in this fandom.

Hot Blooded This fic will always be one of my favourites. It's kinda steamy compared to my usual style but it was such an exciting case!fic to research and to write. Plus everything seemed to just click into place which never usually happens for me.

MIA This is probably my most popular fic (at least on ffnet) and its kinda special to me personally. I'd never done an outsider POV before but loved the experience. It took a while to 'find' Alice and get a fit with the boys, but now I've discovered that through her I get to mother those Winchester brothers to hearts content!

snowflake challenge

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