Snowflake Challenge - Day 1

Jan 03, 2017 12:48

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.

I'm a little late to this party, but I love this challenge and I don't want to miss out this year so I'm playing catch up. I always struggle with reccing my own work and for that reason alone, it's also one of the challenges that I make myself complete. So here we go;

1. Heart's Desire (Sam and Dean, gen. PG13). This was written for 2016 spn_j2_xmas secret Santa challenge for kcscribbler. It's been a long time since I wrote a curtain/future fic, and I love both reading and writing them, so it was so much fun writing one again. Plus, it's always such a joy gifting a fic, and also receiving one. As it turned out kcscribbler wrote for each other this year, which was such a joy!

2. The T-Shirt (Sam and Dean gen. PG13). This was written for a prompt by kettle_o_fish for the Happy Birthday, Sammy! challenge at ohsam. It was a late entry, but I just couldn't get the prompt out of my head. It's a short but sad fic, and while I've written things similar to this, for some reason this one really stands out as something special. Despite the subject material, I'm very fond of it.

3. Heartstrings (AU J2. PG13). This was a collaboration with the wonderful quickreaver for the 2016 spn_meanttobe challenge. This was my first year taking part in this delightful challenge, and I was lucky enough to work with such a wonderful artist. I had a blast writing this fic, and working with the prompt. This was only my second experience working with an artist on a project, and I do hope to collaborate with more artists in 2017.

snowflake challenge, rec

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