Fic - Heart's Desire

Dec 14, 2016 13:22

Title: Heart's Desire
Summary: Sam and Dean are trying to adjust to life in retirement, something they never thought they'd live to see. Future/curtain fic with plenty of h/c.
Rating: PG13
Genre/Spoilers: Sam and Dean Gen. None.
Warnings: Minor language, permanent injury, and a Harry Potter reference that required some Google research and a little ( Read more... )

spn_j2_xmas secret santa, permanent injury, hurt/comfort, future/curtain fic, hurt!sam, dean, sam, gift fic, hurt!dean

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Comments 49

verucasalt123 December 14 2016, 18:12:40 UTC
What a great story! I love the whole system they have worked out to take care of each other without either of them having to discuss their needs for help. I think that's a super realistic view of how Dean and Sam would handle the situation.


madebyme_x December 14 2016, 18:33:55 UTC
Thank you so very much! I'm thrilled that the boys' system of helping each other worked for you; it was a challenge to see how they would deal with this situation.

I love future/curtain fics and this was a joy to write. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words. Take care :)


fufaraw December 14 2016, 19:25:19 UTC
Oh, I love this! This is kind of what I've always wished for them. And Jesse and Cesar! I love those guys.


madebyme_x December 14 2016, 19:47:40 UTC
What a lovely comment - thank you!!! I too hope that get a happy ending, they sure deserve it.

I loved Jesse and Cesar, and I so wanted Sam and Dean to have a future like theirs and this seemed like a perfect way for a reunion.

Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words. Take care :)


frozen_delight December 14 2016, 19:30:48 UTC
Awwww, you mentioned Jesse and Cesar! *heart eyes*

This is such a sweet future fic. Thanks so much for writing and sharing!


madebyme_x December 14 2016, 19:52:55 UTC
Thank YOU so much for reading and for your always encouraging and supportive words.

When I settled on the idea of a future/curtain fic, I knew I wanted to mention Jesse and Cesar, and for Sam and Dean's situation to sort of mirror theirs, in that they did all manage to get out of hunting.

I'm so happy that you enjoyed the fic. Take care my friend ❤️


amberdreams December 14 2016, 23:04:41 UTC
Aw, that ending left me with a big smile on my face. Perfect reading just before bedtime! Loved all the domestic details and the way you'd decided to remove the bunker and use Rufus's cabin. That was a kind of double twist, finding it was the reason Sam's buggered too.


madebyme_x December 15 2016, 11:49:39 UTC
Thank you so much for this wonderful comment. I'm so happy that you enjoyed the fic, I really wanted this fic to feel happy and positive.

I wanted to put the brothers in a new situation, more of a clean break from their old lives, and as much as I love the bunker, I wanted to give them something that was just theirs, but I didn't want to get bogged down with too much backstory either. So this felt like a good way to do that.

I loved the idea of both brothers needing to lean on each other, and hey, I'm a sucker for h/c! Thank you for stopping by. Take care :)


amberdreams December 15 2016, 11:55:06 UTC
Yep, love me some h/c then mix it in with curtain fic and I'm sold!


madebyme_x December 15 2016, 13:05:08 UTC
Hehe - yes!!!! I do adore curtain fic (writing and reading), and if you mix it with h/c it's pretty much irresistible. Thank you so much.


kcscribbler December 16 2016, 00:47:07 UTC
Oh, this is such a lovely fic, just what I would want for them in a perfect world. I love how you make it plain that the Bunker may have been home, but not because it was the Bunker - because they decided to make it home; and now that it's gone that doesn't mean they can't still be home with each other. The little glimpses of the past, the postcards, the mirror, the herb garden, I adore your attention to detail. Thank you so much for this - it's definitely on my faves list now! <3


madebyme_x December 16 2016, 12:31:47 UTC
Thank you so very much!!!! I'm delighted and so relieved that you enjoyed the fic. It took me a while to settle on which prompt to use, and how to work in as many of your likes as possible, but once I settled on a curtain fic, it felt like I knew exactly what I wanted for the boys, and I'm thrilled that you agree.

The boys deserve a happy ending, and like Jesse and Cesar, I wanted to see them retire, and to enjoy it (despite the difficult circumstances) and for them to have a kind of clean break from hunting, and to have a home that's theirs, and like you said, for them to find a home with each other.

I'm happy you picked up on the little details. Thank yo so much for stopping by and for all your kind words. Take care and happy holidays :)


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