Drabble Fic - A Brother's Goodbye (11.23)

May 29, 2016 20:26

Title: A Brother's Goodbye
Summary: 11.23 Drabble fic. Sam's thoughts as Dean hands him the keys.
Rating: PG13
Genre/Spoilers: Gen. Spoilers for Season 11.
Warnings: None (but this is unbeta'd).
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural that privilege belongs to CW, Kripke and Co, I'm simply borrowing them for a while. I'm not making a profit, this is just for fun and all the standard disclaimers apply.

A Brother's Goodbye

The blossom is falling like snowflakes from the sky as Dean walks towards him with Baby's keys, and Sam's already shaking his head. This isn't real; it's a Trickster's joke or a Djinn's cruel world.

Sam hesitates before pocketing the keys quickly, drowning in a flood of memories of all the times they've been here before.

He falls into their hug, tucking his face into Dean's neck, letting it say what they never say out loud, but say silently everyday with each sideways glance and shoulder nudge.

This is a brother's hug, a brother's chick flick moment, a brother's goodbye.

A/N: What a finale! While for me some areas fell a little flat, there were some shining moments that I absolutely adored, and what a cliffhanger to leave us on!!! I wanted to focus a little more on that Winchester hug...y'know, for reasons ;) I'm looking forward to a summer filled with ideas, thoughts, fics, and art. Bring it on fandom, and yay for season 12! \o/

bro-mo, season 11, drabble, dean, sam

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