Snowflake Challenge - Day 3

Jan 03, 2016 17:19

Day 3

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.

I think out of all the challenges, reccing my own work is one of the hardest. For that reason, it's also one of the ones that I make myself complete. *Deep breath* here we go;

1. Mindgate: Brothers in Arms (AU J2. Rated R). This was my first ever art/fic collaboration and without sounding too weird about it, I'm very proud of the fact that I bucked up the courage to approach becc_j about working on something together. I was thrilled that she agreed, and she graciously held my hand throughout the inner workings of a collab. I'm over the moon with the end product; the art is out of the world gorgeous, and with harrigan's help, I felt like the fic did everything that I wanted it to. Basically, the whole thing was a highlight of 2015 for me.

2. Ten of Swords (Sam/Jess. Jess POV. Rated PG13). This was written recently for spn_j2_xmas as a gift for sophiap. It took a bit of brainstorming with my ever hard-working beta, but we got there in the end and after that, the actual writing of the fic went fairly smoothly. While I've written Jess POV before, this felt different, and I feel that I touched a bit more into who she was. It was also a challenge going from writing an action and plot based fic (Mindgate), to a more quiet and everyday slice of life fic. I loved the experience, and hope to write Jess again.

3. Shine On (AU Sam and Dean gen. Dark content. Rated R). This was written early in 2015 for a challenge at evilsam_spn. I wanted to try something new, to step into something different and outside of my comfort zone, and this fic is the end result. It feels different from the stuff I usually write, it's dark and kinda twisted, but the experience was wonderful. I also think that my writing benefited as a whole; pushing it into areas I've never explored before, and it definitely influenced another fic that I wrote last year ( The Book of Abel written for 2015 spnspringfling for quickreaver).

snowflake challenge, rec

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