Five Nice Things Meme

Aug 13, 2014 14:04

When you get this you have to say five nice things about yourself publicly, then tag ten of your friends!

I don't know why I found this meme such a challenge but I truly did. Thank you to ash48 for the encouragement and to harrigan for the tag. So here goes...
  1. In general I'm a positive, glass half full, kind of person. I don't like to dwell on negative thoughts, I don't like to say or point out negative things. I'd much rather focus on the positive.
  2. I don't take myself too seriously and I'm more than happy to be silly and poke fun at myself.
  3. I'm a talkative, chatty and approachable person.
  4. I love to laugh, and spread that laughter. I laugh loud, and sometimes uncontrollably which has lead to snorts and out-of-mouth drink geysers!
  5. I'm not afraid to push myself out of my comfort zone. Whether it's doing a bungee jump, or taking part in fandom, writing a fic that's different from what I've done before, to doing this meme. It's all kinds of scary-fun to say yes as often as you can!

If you haven't already taken part in this meme, consider this your tag!

meme, playtime

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