Greetings & Salutations

Dec 31, 2015 00:01

For a variety of reasons, this Journal is Friends-Only.

Comment here, and I'll add you to the list.

As a reminder, by commenting and requesting to be added to the filter(s), you hereby acknowledge:

That you are at or above the legal age in your country to view material classed as NC-17 in the United States.

That the content of this journal is fiction, and bears no more than a passing resemblance to reality. The author claims no ownership or association with any real people referenced here, and seeks no profit from the works herein.

In short, this is for fun, people. From a practical perspective, no harm/slander/violation of rights is intended. If it's your cup of tea, comment below and welcome aboard. If you don't approve, that's fine - make use of the "Back" or "Close Tab" buttons.

Edit: 19 October, 2010
Due to the policies of the rpf_big_bang and hittheshowersbb communities, four pieces of fiction are (and will remain) unlocked on this journal. The above disclaimers apply to anyone choosing to click on the posts associated with those stories: "Gifts on the Pile" "Facts & Facets" "Home Team Advantage" and "Bubblegum & Candied Dreams"


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