Sep 19, 2007 16:58
Inspired by Tia..
101 random facts..
1. I think Dallas sucks with its new schedule.
2. more days until I'm 18!!
3. I like Crosby more than I like some people.
4. I'm worried about applying to college.
5. My dream school is DePaul University, comfort school is BW in Cleveland, and I can play ball there, close shoe in school is King's and farthest away is Eckerd College.
6. Going to a seperate school from Kristen is going to be hard because I've seen her every day of my life, no joke.
7. Mark moved out, he's getting out, which makes me think I'm getting old and have to grow up soon.
8. I like my fish no matter how many people make fun of how he looks.
9. I really want to go see Anberlin in NYC on November 9th.
10. I'm going to be really upset when Crosby dies.
11. Speaking of dog problems, that is one of my favorite CD's.
12. The Format is the best band I've seen live.
13. I like going to shows when good bands play.
14. I was really happy when I took apart the Gordian's Knot.
15. I like to go fishing.
16. I'm excited to go on the class trip to Hickery Run and Boulder Field in the beginning of October.
17. I want a tattoo but I'm not creative enough to think of what I want.
18. I'm excited for basketball season.
19. I completely regret quitting field hockey.
20. I don't have a good reason why i quit in the first place.
21. I was 8th in the state last year for identifying bugs in science olympiad. don't ask me how.
22. I want to major in ecology but hardly any schools have just ecology, they have enviromental studies.
23. TK my cat is named after my dad's cat Toonk kitty, that I loved and died when I was 6 or so.
24. JK was a cool fish, along with LOL, and STFU.
25. WTF Mate wasn't up there on my list.
26. I'm scared of the dark. I get creeped out if I need to go get something from my car at night.
27.. of february is John's birthday, he's turning 21.
28. 2 days ago I met John a year ago at Mona's and called dibs on him.
29. I accessed denied him that night and thought my best friend was dying, hence when the lindsey davenport video was made. That was the first time I cried while being drunk.
30. My parents and a lot of people think that Kristen and I are real innocent and good girls; i love it.
31. I really can't wait for birthday weekend and taking birthday shots.
32. I hate when my computer acts funky when it getting a call and the call never comes.
33. Pet Peeve #1. Don't take something of mine and THEN ask if you can have/borrow it. That makes me so mad. And one of my friends does that all the time and it pisses me off.
34. I used to flip out when I put on socks because I didn't like the feeling.
35. I got my ears pierced in first grade because my hair was real short and I was worried people would think I looked like a boy.
36. Chances are I'll type all these out and wont end up posting it.
37. John's the only person who has ever really told me I was beautiful and I believed him.
38. I love him so much.
39. haha its kinda of funny that he just called and I took a 10 minute break from this to talk to him.
40. The Sunday Party Crew is the word of the Lord.
41. I "hey bitched" jill spring leaving school today.
42. I've had real bad allergies lately and carry a visine in my purse because my eyes are normally always itchy.
43. I think my parents were only REALLY mad at me one time when I snuck out.
44. I punched Kristen in the face once.
45. Kris and I can get in huge arguements, and 5 minutes later its like, hey sup, its pretty chill. Kristen is my best firend, I dont care if she's my sister. We have such a strong bond, no one else even comes close.
46. This year on the trolley for prom I dont want prissy people that weren't having fun and ruining it for others.
47. I've seen Hellogoodbye 7 times. Kristen wants to make it 8 on Halloween with Say Anything and Young Love in Lancaster.
48. Everytime its rainning and I'm driving I sing Minus the Bear- Spritz!!! Spritz!!!
49. Zoo pal plates make road trips and car rides in general a whole lot more fun.
50. I text John in my lunch bag during lunch. It's skill and pretty awesome.
51. I want to get out of the Valley but I'm not really sure why.
52. I think still living in Ohio would be pretty sick because we lived on a channel and had a boat, so summer would be awesome.
53. I hate text messages that just say "hey". That is a waste of my limited messages.
54. My car was in the shop for pretty much the entire summer, it sucked.
55. I dont want to work at Valley Tennis and Swim Club next summer. I think 3 years was enough.
56. It makes me mad when people just do things to put on their college resume. Over achievers. Suck a chode.
57. Suck a chode is my new favorite phrase. In my opinion, its much better than just play suck it.
58. I never want soc and psych to end and I get really mad when the bell intrupts the class.
59. When Kristen is mad at me I know to play Paramore really loud just to piss her off. For some reason Haley makes her really mad.
60. I can't think of anything creative for college essays.
61. I eat cereal after school. Pops are my favorite.
62. I hate when people doubt me. It just makes me prove them wrong.
63. I like going to shoot hoops by myself at the Y with my music on.
64. I used to "lose" 10 fingers by having the most fingers left, now its the other way around.
65. I used to pull out my eyelashes just to make wishes in 4th grade when someone told me that you could wish off them. I wished to move back to Connecticut.
66. I don't really like cheese on foods.
67. I like the one part of my room thats all decked out with my stuff.
68. I love my bed. And when I get back from vacations and trips love sleeping in it the first night back.
69. ;)
70. I should be doing homework.
71. Everyone thinks Kristen is the older twin, she's not btdubs.
72. I think my friends are up to something for my birthday.
73. I've gotten fat and lazy over the summer.
74. But my boobs are a C now bitches.
75. I need to understand physics.
76. I don't like talking on the phone to an exception of family members and a few friends.
77. Some Devil Bonus Disc is so good. Like thank you Dave Matthews.
78. This year was the first year I actually cared about seniors graduated and miss them.
79. When I get time I'm going to put care packages together and mail them them.
80. I really like golfing outside in gym class.
81. I hate C lunch. there is only 15 seniors in it, the rest are freshman and sophomores
82.. is what I got on my first calc test. OUCH.
83. I used to have an imaginary friend named Fur Ball. He was chill.
84. I miss Matt Wentzel AKA Texas. He made summer's at the rec center.
85. I really can't wait for the cruise next summer with the SPC.
86. I want to go on a hay ride this year. I'll go as far as that, no haunted houses, maybe next year.
87. I hope I get into DePaul University.
88. I need to start working more on applications.
89. Heather wrote me a poem for my birthday and I teared up in homeroom reading it.
90. I'm been exhausted lately.
91. I say AY BAY BAY everytime I see Mallory.
92. I have a bruise on my thigh and I dont know how I got it.
93. I have tons of photobooth picture strips. 15+
94. Kristen buying her poloriod camera off of Ebay was such a smart buy. I think poloriods are the best pictures.
95. The first night of summer was my favorite party. "WHEN IS WEGA JAM!?"
96. Office party was pretty awesome until I tipped the chair during the office chair race and ripped Kristen's shirt I was wearing.
97. I spend $45 on my I-pex bra. do work.
98. degrees was my favorite band when I was little.
99. I really want to see Spice Girls in NYC but I have a basketball game =(
100. I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for my family, and I love them so much for it.
101. I don't regret anything I've done in my life.