More Fantasy SPN!!!

Oct 28, 2010 16:05

Most of these are just lineart, since I haven't had time to color them yet, but since it's occurred to me it's been a while since we've posted something, I probably should before 3 months have gone by and I wonder where the time went ^^;;;

WARNING!!! IMAGE HEAVY BEHIND THE CUT!!! (but hopefully not too much! I tried to keep the images small!)

First some more fanart of dachinchilla 's Dean/Cas AU fic:

Here's Sam, in all his fishy, sharky glory. You can't tell because they haven't been drawn together yet, but Sam's longer then Dean in this form too! Mermen have been particularly fun, both for her to draw and me to color, because of the interesting combo's we get to create. Sam will have a complimentary color scheme to Dean's to keep it easy to tell they're brothers.

And here's Cas!! Even as a mermaid, he can't help but look weird lol. When I color him, he'll be a lot brighter then Dean or Sam.

And a sketch, not quite finished,  of the three

HER INKS ARE AMAZING RIGHT??? It's like I go to work and come back AND MAGIC'S HAPPENED <333333

Next up is something that, as usual with us, kinda grew into a monster bigger than we had planned. Originally I'd asked the other half of this account to draw me centaur!Dean and centaur!Cas, after re-watching The Pastoral Symphony on Youtube, with Dean as an Impala version and Castiel as a unicorn.

Of course, then I kept thinking about it at work, and we started talking about what sort of centaur Sam would be, then Bobby, then Gabriel and then Crowley (because why not).

Sam and Gabriel first! Sam's a Cyldesdale. Gabriel, despite his inks, is actually a Zorse, although I'm not entirely certain what his coloring will be yet...

Crowley and Bobby!! Crowley is a goat, because I couldn't think of anything for a demon and History Channel was playing a special on The Devil and thought, why not. My sister even made him a mountain goat because nothing says dark and evil like a 300lb mound of puff. Bobby was originally a mule simply to make the joke 'stubborn as a mule' but was changed to a donkey (technically a burro to get that tail) since mules are not that different from horses save for their ears.

Finally Dean and Cas!!! (The semi-colored versions since they have more than flats on them <3)

I went back and forth a lot whether or not to give Cas a black pelt to match his hair or keep it true to typical interpretation and leave it white. I might post both versions later just because. (It amuses me to no end that the three who are actively hunting on the show are relatively svelte while the other three (while typical variations of actual animals) look rather porky in comparison ^^

And Dean was very close to being based on this type of Impala. To bad he has brown hair. He'd make a great brunette ^^

Aaaaand one last treat: Dean's greatest weakness

Clearly he would have gotten caught a lot sooner if they'd used the right bait <3

In later days we'll have more colored versions, fanart for earth_heart  's Stockholm Syndrome, some stuff for the Kiss Meme going around DevArt as well as other stuff we're not allowed to talk about yet. November and December are turning out to be busy months!!!

dean/cas, supernatural

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