Dean Cas Big Bang Part1!!

Sep 30, 2010 18:37

Here it is! the first of the DeanCas Big Bang art!
For the Big Bang we ended up taking a pinch-hit and had two stories to do art for. Here is the art of clueless_psycho , for their fic Precious.

In this instance, the other BigBang piece was received first, as this was our pinch hit. That piece got quite of bit of pages, and we wanted to make them fair, so we did did two scenes for this fic so that page count would be equal with the other fic.

We recommend reading the story first but if we did a decent job the pages should read fine on their own. The two stories, one in color, the other in black and white, take place chronologically.

On to part two!!

And that's it for now!!!

Some notes on the art--

Castiel is wearing what is referred to as a gamis, Its traditionally womens clothing, so I'm not too sure why Cas would be wearing it, other than he just doesn't care. Most often they are covered by the well known article called a hijab, a scarf worn to cover the neck and face. I considered covering Cas' face as per custom, but decided against because we thought it would make him harder to recognize, and so just left it around his neck.

The camo pattern on Deans uniform is known as a Universal Camouflage Pattern. There are ones that are specifically tailored to the Afghanistan deserts and mountains, and differ by country.

We also didn't realize Cas was supposed to be holding a candle and that that would be the only light source in the tower until after we submitted it and reread the betaed version clueless_psycho sent us >>;;;;;

>< we hope you like it! even with the continuity errors!!

dean/cas, comic, supernatural

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