Dec 22, 2003 08:28
yesterday went to work..the phone lines were out, the same phone line tha we run our checks and credit cards. booo.
after that i hung out with kyle, of course.
then me my mom kyle my dad teri noah becky and tyson *most of my family * went and saw the lights in Ogden. me and kyle saw them acouple weeks ago, but seeing them with my family was alot more fun. it as so nice. and the snow made it look alot better.
then i was driving home with my mom *did i mention she has been inncrediably nice to me the past couple weeks?* and i just broke down and told her about my wrist, i couldnt help it the guilt was eating away at me, i cried all the way to work the other day cuz i felt so bad. she didnt even freak out. so i told her i would take them out. 80 bux down the drain. oh well i feel a billion and 1 times better for telling her.i'm a bitch but i dont care.
yah for snow! i'm so excited. i can finally get into the xmas spirit. i wanna go sledding today, and i think i will cuz this is my only day off till xmas. so ill live it up. out