Six pairings I like
1. Angstshipping
2. Changeshipping
3. Liberashipping
4. Irateshipping
5. Geminishipping
6. Puffshipping
Three ships I've abandoned
7. Thiefshipping
8. Citronshipping
9. Bronzeshipping
Three ships I've never liked:
10. Ruseshipping
11. Prideshipping
12. Polarshipping
Two ships that have piqued my interest:
13. Gothshipping
14. Puppyshipping
1. Why do you dislike #11 (Prideshipping) so much?
I think it works fantastically on an emotional level, insofar as Yami no Yuugi is one of the only people Kaiba treats (sometimes) with respect. And I think there can certainly be UST during duels. But the relationship is structured around the card game - they can teach each other nothing, learn nothing from each other (well, Kaiba isn't listening to lessons not taught on a battlefield), without dueling involved somewhere. So while it's tense and exciting within a duel I just…..well, I also don't find it hot, somehow. (Unless it's genderswapped because apparently I like everything in genderswap.)
2. Who do you know that ships #13 (Gothshipping)?
No one, yet. I'm about to. As soon as I have time and brain enough to write yet another "G" fic for the rare pair contest. Because they'd be adorable.
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3 (Liberashipping)?
Yuugi tragically dies, then comes back as a girl; meanwhile, Malik, having heartlessly locked away his own passions - oh, you mean in canon. Asking me this is cheating when I have a 15pairings fic in the works, but it's 100% Yuugi becoming an accidental mentor figure for Malik. It must be hard to try to live a life without hatred after it's all you've ever known, and I imagine Yuugi's concern for him must have really touched Malik. In pure canon it's in a selfish way ("why do you care"), but if he just displaces that a little….
4. What is your favorite moment for #1 (Angstshipping)?
They had a moment? *rimshot* It's not the "let me help you" scene, that's for sure - that's Malik acting. I guess maybe the thought that Malik has Rodded Ryou, since that opens up all kinds of interesting snarls down the way for a potential relationship.
Well, that and the glorious beginning of Malik and YnB's conversation in episode 79: "You bastard, why are you in my landlord?!" (:P)
5. How long have you been following couple #6 (Puffshipping)?
Like, two weeks? I haven't even looked to see if there's fic yet because I don't want it to influence the way I write them. It's really way more of a crack pairing than a serious thing, but look at that icon. Look at it. I found freaking art on Pixiv. I can't believe it.
6. What's the story with #8? (Citronshipping) What made you stop caring?
Other Malik pairings intrigue me more. That, and it got to be too much of a headache to imagine scenarios, they're too alike (if that makes sense), etc. If written well I still care an awful lot, though; the 1sentence entry for this couple was engaging. And I do have a 15pairings fic planned for this one. It's probably the only popular pairing (aside from whatever Angstshipping I go for) I have left on that challenge, since "ship Malik with random, random people" seems to be the way that's going.
7. Which ship do you prefer--#2 (Changeshipping) or #4 (Irateshipping)?
That is a really hard decision. Going to go with Irateshipping because I've done more work for it, but Changeshipping is just. Gah. Again, don't want to spoil an upcoming fic WHAT THE HELL SELF START WRITING ALL THIS STUFF ALREADY. They're kind of similar in that they're pairing Malik with someone who'll give him a run for his money, though I think Otogi would appeal more to his mind (Otogi's occasional flirtations aside, he is the voice of common sense once he joins the group, even if that means he get yelled at to ~believe~ a lot) and Jounouchi more to his emotions.
8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 (Ruseshipping) or #12 (Polarshipping).
I know people who ship both, so that seems kind of mean. But if you mean canonical proof thereof, I'd have to go with Polarshipping. Though I think I'm misplacing my disappointment in the way Mai's character develops onto a ship that, in BC, puts her in a more traditional role……I don't want to pull her gender into this, in part because Jounouchi makes it very clear he's helping out a friend he respects duelist to duelist now that he's learning how to deserve the title and in part because I've written an essay that's basically "it's okay if the girls aren't doing the same things as the boys", but I just….can't help it. End of the day, it's a couple who were equals turning into a couple where the boy has to save the girl, from external forces or herself, over and over again. Especially in the anime. The equality goes away. And I have a problem with that, when it's the equal push-pull that made it so interesting in the first place.
9. What interests you about #14 (Puppyshipping)?
That I absolutely 100% did not ship it for ages and then I was just hanging out at home and all of a sudden I got it. It doesn't ever have to be consummated. Neither of them would. But the idea of Kaiba being all "HE'S JUST A PIECE OF TRASH, WHY AM I EVEN BOTHERING TO THINK ABOUT HIM" is kind of snrk.
10. When did you stop liking #7 (Thiefshipping)?
Ah-hahaha. This used to be my primary ship. When I realized shipping Malik with people he doesn't have so much UST with in canon (and I'm not going to deny I still find all of their exchanges quite charged, and the bickering fabulous) yields more interesting results as far as exploring his character is concerned. Again, not that I don't like it anymore, just that I won't seek it out and I'll be super-picky when I do. (No post-canon. None. I love Iris for so many reasons, and one of my favorites is his utter distaste for post-canon Marlicks. <3)
11. Did your waning interest in #9 (Bronzeshipping) kill your interest in the series?
Not really, no. And it never really waxed enough to wane. I'm all for giving YnM a bit of inappropriate innuendo when he speaks about his other personality, though. In fact, I think I do that more now than ever before. It's just not in a ship way, more a AND THIS IS ANOTHER WAY I CAN BE A CREEPER way. And. Well. The crossover joke I make in my Bronzeshipping piece. It's not what YnM is, though. So maybe I shouldn't draw a parallel where there isn't any, not directly.
12. What's a song that reminds you of #1 (Angstshipping)?
Well if you must know I'm compiling a small FST - *coughs*
Hey Monday's "Mr. Pushover", all the way. Malik to Ryou. "Nobody's got the guts to tell you……But I do~~~"
13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?
….shut up, Blue.
14. Which do you dislike the most?
I have no freaking clue. Ruseshipping? I get where it's coming from but. Not my interpretation. But I know my interpretation is based in turn upon my interpretation of another, superior show which shall remain nameless because if I get started talking about it I would never stop.
15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be?
Angstshipping and Geminishipping. Ryou keeps having to switch tables and minds, and by the end of the night, the restaurant has been mysteriously leveled and Ryou is plastered to high heaven. And not entirely because YnB was drinking.
16. Have #5 (Geminishipping) kissed yet? Elaborate if yes.
They almost did in the fic I wrote. But considering they never have physical bodies in the same space together, and may or may not be the same person….
17. Did #4 (Irateshipping) have a happy ending? Do you think one is likely?
It never happened in canon. But….they each got an individual happy ending, and maybe someday Jounouchi will be able to forgive Malik? Though how guilty Malik feels about all crimes that weren't his father's murder is up for debate.
18. What would make you start shipping #14 (Puppyshipping)?
More really good fic that didn't have to sacrifice anything about Kaiba's personality. Though I like Jounouchi with so many other people I don't really feel a need to go looking.
19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer--#2 (Changeshipping) or #6 (Puffshipping)?
Oh my god, Changeshipping. No heart is safe, ladies. No wallet, either.
20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10 (Ruseshipping). What happens to them?
Malik starts taking Rishid less for granted (canon!) and starts doing more stuff for himself (snrk!). Rishid slowly comes to terms with the fact that this is okay, and feels quite proud of his little brother.
FLORENCE: "What, you'll sleep with that wanker but you won't give - certain other people - the time of day?!"
MARIK: "…..wait. Waitwaitwait, that was a boy?!"