[✐fanfic challenge] ot3_100: this discarded doll society, arbitrary accidents, manning up

Mar 10, 2011 10:47

Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
Claim: Malik Ishtar/Ryou Bakura/Katsuya Jounouchi
Prompt + Number: #017, Petnames
Title: This Discarded Doll Society
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: This isn’t anything that’ll change the world. But that’s okay.

"This discarded doll society," Malik murmurs one evening, Ryou snuggling his left hand while Jounouchi snores to his right. “Three puppets, thrown away. Thralls broken free....”

Spoken, the words ring absurd. Jounouchi’s hand, flailing in dreams-- “you take that back, Kaiba you bastard!” --strikes him hard across the chest. Ryou, undisturbed, giggles at some unconscious joke.

Malik sighs, closes his eyes. This isn’t grandiose, no matter how many pretty words he spins. It won’t change the world, it hasn’t any grand destiny. This hodgepodge, this slapdash arrangement, just - is.

It’s kind of refreshing, to finally just be.

Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
Claim: Malik Ishtar/Ryou Bakura/Katsuya Jounouchi
Prompt + Number: #001, Kiss
Title: Arbitrary Accidents
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Fate arranged for them all to meet, but the results were....accidental.

Fate had nothing to do with it, this time.

Ryou’d become scarce; Jounouchi’d noticed, in a quiet, worried, big-brotherly way - or so he told himself, denying quiet, worried, not-so-big-brotherly thoughts. So he’d followed the boy - to the museum, to the arms of Malik Ishtar himself.

“Oh, for...” Malik frowned. “Just get over here.”

Cowed, Jounouchi’d grumbled all the way over, until silenced by a pair of dark lips searing his own shut. By the time a pale set joined them, nervous but encouraged by Malik’s smile, the deal’d been sealed.

And not even God knew what’d happen now.

Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
Claim: Malik Ishtar/Ryou Bakura/Katsuya Jounouchi
Prompt + Number: #039, Awkward
Title: Manning Up
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Ryou would rather remain under wraps.

Bakura Ryou is not this sort of boy!

“I-I can’t!” he protests, face flushed ruddy from steam and horror, flinching from what looked like judgment in Malik’s critical eyes. “Please...”

“Oi, man up, already!” Standing, Jounouchi sloshes over; Ryou cowers, clutching something to his chest, but a single yank and he’s not only been freed of his burden, but fallen yelping into the water to boot. “It’s just a freakin’ onsen! Bathe with your towel off!”

Stripped, Ryou bubbles miserably; Malik smirks from across the spring. Lucky Malik. His scars are on his back.

bakura ryo, marik ishtar, fanfiction, jounouchi katsuya, yu-gi-oh, this discarded doll society, challenge

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