Demonstrating the art of worry...

Jun 24, 2010 11:47

A few weeks ago my mum went to the doctors about a swelling in her neck she'd had for a few months. She had blood tests taken which came back fine. But to be safe the doctor booked her in to go and have a scan at the Hospital.

The next three days the hospital rang and left a message (which we didn't pick up as we are useless like that) to get her to book an appointment. Her appointment was Monday. During this she had an ultra sound of her neck where they discovered her lymph nodes were full of fluid. They took a biopsy of them and sent her for a CT scan before sending her on her way with promises to let her know what's going on.

Then we get an urgent message from the hospital yesterday to get her to ring up and book an appointment with the Consultant today. Her appointment was at 9:10. They still aren't back and it is now 11:46.

I am getting v. worried. I've got to go to work at 1 (I booked the morning off) and my nerves are in shreds. I want them home. I want to know whats going on. Fuck it, I'm scared.

real life, parents

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