Seriously, if you haven't watched this show yet fan of Life on Mars or not go download it. There are only 8 episodes and it isn't like much else is on at the moment right?
Those of you on the flist who do watch Ashes to Ashes help a gal out? Comment with reasons why those who don't already should watch Ashes to Ashes? If
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Yeah, I don't entirely understand the whole remake thing. The only thing I can figure is that either A)The average American wouldn't be able to understand the accents or B)Certain slang would need to be changed.
It hard for me to say because, for instance, I love both versions of the Office now. They each have their own unique charm to them. But on the other hand, look at how successful Shaun of the Dead was. Obviously enough Americans can understand "British-ness" with no problems.
By the way, I see you graduated from UNO. My hubby graduated from there in the mid 90's. :D In fact, I have tons of family in the New Orleans area.
That's cool. :) UNO wasn't bad, its definitely more of a commuter school than anything else sometimes. Good classes though. I like it a lot down here. After the storm I had some thoughts about moving away, but I don't think I ever could. It's a combination of all my family being here and the true personality of the place.
I hear what you are saying about moving. It took the hurricane to make me finally appreciate my heritage. My parents did recently move to FL, but it was out of necessity. Of course, they wanted to move to get away from the crime, sadly. But it is sad to no longer have them there, even though my grandparents and other relatives live there. So, what did you study?
Yeah, I can understand them leaving for that, especially if they were in the city or on the westbank. Luckily here in Metairie it's still alright.
My degree is accounting. So if he was anywhere in the college of business, we probably know a lot of the same professors.. they've got quite a few there that never leave. :)
My parents were on the west bank, but why would you see them leaving for that?
No, my hubby was a poli sci major.
I just meant the crime. It has gotten worse over there since the storm. My brother lives in Harvey (soon to be moving to Algiers Point) and the apartment underneath their's got broken into last week. Previously there had been a shooting at one of the other buildings in their complex. I'm glad they are getting out of there. My boyfriend is in Marrero, though fortunately his area doesn't seem to be affected too hard by it all.
My parents lived in Algiers, so the crime wasn't bad there. I used to live in Algiers Point. What street is he moving to?
The bit that sticks in my throat is the fact they are remaking it set in the UK, when they are implying that americans won't get british references etc. It's all very odd.
The accents in the show shouldn't be too much of a problem they are watered down manchunian accents or london which is no where near as confusing as a broad scouse or irish accent.
Who knows though it might be good. The whole thing as you stated above is annoying from whichever way you look at it.
I can probably see where they would be coming from when it comes to slang and I guess a few of the references in the show might be lost on people from other countries such as the Test Card Girl. But to be honest, the references are kinda obvious. :/
I think it's perhaps because the American bosses think that people in the US would prefer it as more of a romantic show where as the romance aspect of the show was on a bit of a back burner.
Exactly, it was stated when they announced it was being remade that they didn't think Americans would get the humour but that seems a bit condescending. Like you said enough people over seas seemed to find the British office funny and Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.
I've never seen the american Office but from what I've read it really is an exception to the rule that american remakes of british shows invariabley suck *cough*americasversionofCoupling*cough*
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