Random thoughts on the LOST Season 3 Finale

May 24, 2007 23:08

I was gonna post a comment fic challenge but LJ ate all the stuff I had written and I am too lazy to write it out again. But let me know if you are interested in participating. It'll be open to everyone and their dogs and fics can be based on any fandom or pairing.

Anyway my thoughts on the Lost finale.

(please note I pretty much ripped this off from comments I left at fading_spark's journal.

First off I would like to say; how many fucking times does Jack have to break down into emo tears?!! I'm fed up of Jack crying already. Grr. Oh and will he make up his mind about which woman he wants already.

Why did they turn Tom into an arsehole before killing him??!!! Huh? He was lovely before. Bastardos. You know what sad as I think Charlie's death was, Tom's death hurt me more. Seriously. His little face. :( I mean he is the Other we have kinda grown up with y'know. All the important moment's he was there...Walt snatching, Kate catchin'....*weeps*. His love of bondage will not be forgotten. Damn Sawyer for it. I know he's kinda going all emo!badass right now but did Tom's death really serve a purpose? No. I don't think Tom's death has served any kinda of purpose. Seriously. So it showed what we already know...Sawyer can be a totally unpredicatable badass. Nothing new there. Its something they have drummed into us throughout the bloody show. Has anyone gone through an emotional journey because of Toms death...well, other than me I think not. I seriously hate the Lost writers for this. Charlies death had a point, he finally got to be a success....a hero. He had finally become something more than the junkie, the failed rock star and did something worthwhile; something he believed in.

Hurley and his killer VW camper ftw!!! FTW I TELLS YA! I will love Hurley forever for todays episode. I think it was a stroke of genius and one in the eye for all those who sniffed at him and thought he was only good as comic relief. I guess in a way he's kinda like Hiro, cause no way would Hurley of season one killed someone deliberatly. Hurley is doing things for the greater good, yo. *adores*

Alex and Rousseaus reunion was just bloody brilliant as was Rousseaus elbow in Bens face. Ben was totally asking for it. Also the mother daughter bonding over tieing up the man who raised Alex - priceless.

Locke! I still love you you smushy squishy smuck! But hey, they can't say you did'int warn them though. Silly Jack, when will he learn that you know best? My bet is Locke has gone off in the jungle where he will later liase with Rousseau and they will make babies comprised soley of awesome and win. Locke has clearly gone past the point where he can just return to the camp so I'm betting it has something to do with assuming leadership of the Others. Actually Leadership in the Other camp is another thing I have an issue with. From the very beginning Tom has been portrayed as either the head Other or someone of importance within the group so why is he taking orders from fat, bald man all of a sudden. All the other expeditions (ie Walt capture etc) was lead by Tom. I guess maybe cause he wasn't a 'loyalist?'

OMG JACKS EMO BEARD!!! If he can find the time to shave on the killer island of doom is it too much to expect him to do the same off the island where razors are in plentiful supply? Hmmmm.... But seriously dunno whats worse the beard of doom or the flashback hair! Kinda funny how Jack is now everything he had issues with his father for being (ie a drunk).

Walt!!!!! HEEEE! I could almost hear Michael's cries in the background of 'Where's my boy?! Do you know where my boy is? I need to find my boy! WAAAAAAAAALLLT!!'

I'm beginning to think that not only is Mikhail totally fricking awesome but he has a little bit of Claire Bennet in him the way he keeps popping back to life. I'm hoping darlin' Tom will be back. I mean Locke has used a get out of death free card, so has Mikhail so maybe hope for Tom? Doubt it.
But anyway Mikhail's voice is all kinds of amazing voice. I could listen to him speak alll day - Russian accents FTW! He wins points of awesome for the voice alone and the eyepatch doubles them :P Pity we probably won't see that awesome bastard again.

I am a dentist, I am not Rambo ♥ Rose and Bernard are just fucking amazing they carried that episode imo. Rose telling Jack she would hit him if he said 'Live together die alone' one more time was classic too. I really love Rose and Bernard and am so glad they are back. *squishes* I missed her sooo much. Bernard too even if he isn't very good at the whole bondage hostage thing.

Ben was kinda sweet in an extremely twisted way when he said he didn't want Alex to get pregnant though I do wonder...has Ben ever heard of contraception? I mean sure there is nothing quite like a cage to stop babies but there are also Condoms and the pill! But yeah he was definatley kinda sweet in that twisted Ben way....I mean theres nothing quite like blowing up your father on your birthday or torturing your daughters boyfriend to say 'I love you'. Lolz.

Still pissed that three of my favourite others are now deadified thanks to this season. Bah. I do adore me them others!

Desmond and Charlie were really kinda cool. Its sad how I only really start to like Charlie when he's about to die. Shame really, it occurs to me that maybe the character could have been so much more than he become, y'know.

Omg Claire looked heartbroken when Locke was pointing a gun at her brother Kack...er Jack. Someone so needs to fic what was going through her mind at that point. She knew he wouldn't do it really though.

I only thank the lord that Sexy!Other!Richard of eyelashes fame is still alive. I so would people, I so would :P

I have to confess though that I didn't enjoy this episode all that much. Which is a shame really cause loads happened but I hate to say its my own damn fault. I read the bloody spoilers didn't I! *head desk* I just can't bear the not knowing. Avoiding major spoilers instead of honing in on them like a nuclear missile is something I must try to do next series. *Is aware she will probabaly fail before even tries*

It was so damn hot today and I feel so bad moaning about it after whinging about how cold its been recently. But damnit, I'm not acclimatised to this heat, I'm used to damp, slightly cold weather not full on sunshine and heat. Usually we're kinda eased into this kind of weather not just thrown in after a bout of showers and cold winds. I am clearly never happy. Though I am probably grouchy cause I acted like a twat and sunburnt all my back and shoulders. I look like a spit roast pig, srsly!

Also why is it in the summer the days seem to fly by so much quicker then in the winter?

One good thing about the sun though is that I am reading a lot more again. I'm reading a book called Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See at the moment. It's footbinding and things and is pretty good, only so far too many deaths :( I know it is a reality of that time and the practice of foot binding etc but after todays Lost *weeps*

lost, lost 3x22, lost thoughts

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