This week has been so awesome!
First off monday was my last ever lecture. Hurrah! I'm so glad I've finished uni, but also kinda scared. Cause now I've got to start thinking about what I want to do with myself now and I've never really been to good at that. :\
After the lecture our lecturer invited us down the SU bar for a drink. I went but sadly had to stick to coke as was driving but it was a real laugh and a few of our other lecturers popped down too.
Tuesday me and a few friends from uni went down town to the mueseum where we bonded over mutual geekery! We had such an awesome time, I love mueseums. One of the shrunken heads looked just like one of our lecturers though which was kinda scary. We had far too much fun taking pictures on the stairs, pulling pole dancing poses against the marble pillar. As you can tell we are really mature :P
We went for a picnic (although I use the term loosely 2 of us had McDonalds and the other 3 had Pizza) at Christ Church meadow before going pedloing. Pedloing is so much fun, I really dunno why I haven't been more not only do you get gorgeous views but its also incredibally fun espiecially when you spot people who have crashed and are wedged under low trees. Hee! &Love;
Two of my friends peddled and steered while the other three of us serenaded them with such classics as Bryan Adams 'Summer of 69'. The people on the banks and other punts/pedlo's kept looking at us as if we were crazy people.
We picked the best day weather wise too, it was so warm and delicious.
Then, on Friday I became an aunt, finally. He was only nearly 2 weeks late, typical male. He's called Callum and was 7ib 2oz, which is really kinda tiny considering they told my brother that he would probably be 10ib which put the fear of god in his girlfriend. Silly peoples.
I'm really looking forward to the next episode of Heroes. The last one totally pwned. Will write up some thoughts if I find the time/inclination.
Also have posted some Heroes, Life on Mars and Jane Eyre Icons over at
Inky_splotches, go check them out and let me know what you guys think. Have been playing with styles/colouring and would love it if you let me know what you think :D