Wtf? An update O_O

Apr 17, 2006 12:33

Never one to update regularly, i feel i have neglected updating for a bit too long this time. But i have excuses and lots of them.

First off I'm so bogged down with coursework I think my brain will explode before I can even reach the summer holidays (all 6 months of them woo!).

Then we had to have my dog put down and its just been an odd time. I mean we had the dog for about 15 years (and she wasn't a puppy when we had her so she was ancient) and when you've had a dog for so long it seems so odd without her. I walk downstairs and expect to see her sat in the kitchen. When I come in at night its odd not to have her all "Wtf? Who turned on the lights". I guess its harder because she always lived in the house our other dogs live outside in their kennels and i cause we had her since I was five. I guess I can't really think of the time before her. My mum took her and from what information I gleened from her the whole thing was quite traumatic because she had so little blood (or the vet was crappy) that her veins kept collapsing or they just couldn't find them. Not good.

I also went away for a few days to stay with my Grandparents in Devon. Thus, ends my excuse list. But I really apologise cause I haven't been able to comment to anyones posts really recently.

Now onto fandoms.

Anyone else seen THIS preview art from Mike Carey and Chris Bachalo's run on X-men?

Why, oh why does Bachalo always draw Rogue with that god damned FUGLY costume. Every bloody time he draws her its in that? I believe he even did it in the Age of The Apocalypse mini series that was out recently. I mean seriously it wasn't nice the first time and unlike most other cheese it sure hasn't improved with age.

Also Northstar and Aurora? Didn't know she was gonna be in the book.

Oh and whose the blonde next to Cable? Hmm...

++Lost Spoilers Below++

++Lost Spoilers Below++

++Lost Spoilers Below++

I am finally caught up to the "Dave" Episode. Not much really to say cause everyone else has said nearly everything.

However, am i the only one who actually likes 'Henry Gale' despite his apparent creepyness? He could have left Locke but he didn't so surely he isn't that bad?

For my part I think he deliberatly let himself get caught because whatever the guy he said would kill him would do to him was so bad he thought he would take his chances with the Lostaways. I'm probably way off base here but he despite his mind manipulations I just can't help but think he's not really that bad. But then again I quite liked Goodwin and we all know how that panned out. *Rolls eyes*

I would be interested to see Lockes interaction with fake-Henry deepen abit. I think its been quite interesting up until now.

I also get this feeling that the Others we have seen so far (eg Ethan, Beardy/Non Beardy man) are just the tip of the iceberg and they are actually the 'friendly' ones and all what they are doing is to survive against a perhaps more serious threat.

Again probably way off base but oh well.

Also "Dave" episode= Predictable. Even my mum said right from the start that Dave was imaginary. I thought something was going on with Libby too, thinking she was like a celebrity stalker but with Hurley after he won the lottery. So the twist at the end while still somewhat predictable was still interesting.

Have fears for Sun's safety once it comes out she is preggers. Maybe they will kidnap her like they did Claire!

Oh I love Lost! :D

lost, cw, dog, x-men

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